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Saturday, December 31, 2005

One way to spend the last few moments is to think of resolutions for the new upcoming year. Thus, here are my resolutions for 2006 (not in any order of importance):

1. I resolve to get the pieces of my life back together.
2. I resolve to be more disciplined by (a) keeping to deadlines, (b) not talking at inappropriate times, (c) being less extravagant and (d) exercising more and eating less junk food.
3. I resolve to manage my time better.
4. I resolve to keep my room neat.
5. I resolve to go to church more regularly again.
6. I resolve to appreciate everyone around me, and also show them my appreciation of how they have made a difference in my life.
7. I resolve to stay alive, so that whatever resolutions that are not fulfilled in 2006 will automatically be my resolutions for 2007.

Ooh yeah. Happy New Year. I haven't got any champagne, but fruit juice will do, yeah?

♥ The lights faded at 11:48 pm

I have just realised that there are only 2 days left before school reopens, and I haven't done a thing. Why does this always happen?

Sigh. Help.

And a happy new year to you too.

♥ The lights faded at 4:28 pm

Friday, December 30, 2005

Yesterday, I attended a mjc choir barbeque outing. It was quite fun. Music was playing, there was a pool, there was taupok (still waiting for someone to initiate a female version), there was a playground and there were card games. There were chicken wings, satay, otah, sausages, crabsticks, sweet potatoes and marshmallows, you know, the usual stuff. Oh, and there was beer.

This afternoon, I watched "The Naked Chef", and this episode was about a barbeque too, only that they called it a "barbie". (Image of roasted skinny blonde doll pops up in my head, but never mind.) Well, there was frisbee, and there was some chit-chat, but otherwise not much. But the food... There was a whole salmon, cooked with lemon and herbs, and there was steak with Thai sauce, which of course was prepared on the spot by Jamie Oliver himself. And there were potatoes, I think. And there was wine.

Barbeque outings. Hmm.

♥ The lights faded at 1:48 pm

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I watched "Princess Mononoke" today. In one word: surreal. It's definitely worth watching.

Speaking of movies, here are some of the movies that I want to watch in 2005/2006:

1. The Family Stone
2. The Da Vinci Code
3. The Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
4. Rumour Has It...
5. In Her Shoes
6. Elizabethtown
7. Memoirs of a Geisha

Yeah, that's about it. That's going to be 7 x $7.50 = $52.50, and I'm sure that there'll be more movies that I'll want to watch.

Money. Or rather, the lack of it. Sigh.

And just randomly speaking, I just had this salad called "South of the Border". What a name. It's quite good, except for some spices and olives that don't really seem to belong in the salad. What I like about it, is that it's served in a crunchy cracker bowl. The additional barbequed chicken was a good supplement to it.

♥ The lights faded at 11:57 pm

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Food. Good food. Lots of it. Century Roxy Hotel sure has one of the best buffets. And they don't come cheap. The bill for 3 came to about $167. Crazy! But I tell you, the food was good. It was brunch, so there's the "breakfast food" like cereal and toast. And there's also some Japanese food (salmon sashimi!), cold cuts, smoked salmon, salad, chicken kebab, roast turkey and lots more. The dessert, was heavenly. Christmas fruit cake, blackforest cake, bread pudding, waffles, ice-cream... Mmm...

After brunch, it was the arcade. Time Crisis 2. And the good thing about playing with my sister is that I win almost all the time. Hee. I'm quite good, only thing being I avoid the bullets too late, so I run out of credit quite fast. Still, it's fun.

Of course, there's shopping. My sister broke her heel (of the shoe) last night at Orchard during the stampede, and she wanted to have new black high heels in replacement. So we scouted around, went into every shoe shop and department store, and looked at almost all the black strappy shoes, especially those with ribbons on them. While she was dissatisfied with most of the shoes, I managed to find a pair at Isetan.

All this shoe-shopping with my sister reminds me of the movie "In Her Shoes". I think it's going to be really good, and I'm going to watch it with my sister. If we were in the movie, she'd most likely be Maggie, while I'll be Rose. We have almost nothing in common, not even our shoe size. Well, can't judge yet. Movie's out January 16.

Before that, I'm going to be watching "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, The Lion and The Wardrobe" (is the order right?) tomorrow. I'm so psyched! I've read all seven books in the series, and my favourite is "The Horse and His Boy".

Hmm... I'm going off to take a shower now, then maybe watch TV. Or buy a bottle of Bacardi Breezer before 1am. And... Merry Xmas.

♥ The lights faded at 9:03 pm

Last night's party was quite nice. There was an assortment of food, ranging from pizza to curry to lots of salads. There was an assortment of guests too. The twins had invited friends from different circles. I saw some people that I recognised from AHS, but I stayed around the JN group during the party. There were card games (I learnt this new game called "99"), TV-watching (Ch5's "A Blessed Christmas" and "Ocean's Eleven", which I think I'm watching for the 11th time), a miniature pool table and yeah, that's about it. At one point, I went downstairs with two of the guys to check out the gym. I tried the treadmill, but at 10km/h I could feel the back of my halter slipping down. Not to mention people outside giving weird looks. (Anyone seen someone use the gym wearing a halter and a skirt? They did.)

Talking about the clothes, I was overdressed for the party, but hey, it's Christmas season, it's the season for dressing up and looking good! Pity I didn't have the chance to go to town. (The crowds are simply crazy.) I will be going out to lunch later, though the venue is unknown.

Oh, and there wasn't a gift exchange last night. Which means that I felt all that stress for nothing.

Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays.

♥ The lights faded at 11:53 am

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Good morning to all. It's Christmas eve. Isn't it perfectly delightful?

Well, except that I haven't gotten presents for everyone yet. It's just so difficult to find something that you're 75% certain that person will like. So here I am. Sigh.

But ooh, I'm going to a party later! It's going to be potluck, so I'm bringing fruit salad and a cookie cake. And we'll be meeting at Whitesands later, so I think I'm going to go there earlier for my really last-minute shopping. Which leaves me with... very little time left. I have stuff to prepare and bake, and I am going to need quite some time to get ready for the party. And I still want to edit the template of this thing further. My sister helped me a lot last night. Well, hopefully I can manage on my own now.

Well, on the top of the list is... breakfast. Oh no! (Runs to the kitchen. Comes back a while later.) I left the stove unattended with my steamed (actually, steaming) mantou inside. Thank goodness nothing happened, but I think the gas bill may be a little higher this month.

I think I'll stop here for now. Catch ya later, dears!

♥ The lights faded at 11:35 am