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Saturday, January 28, 2006

I feel very sleepy, but I want to blog. So here goes:

Chinese New Year concert in school today was not very interesting, save for the ICS dance.

Went to Compasspoint with my mum in the afternoon. Fell asleep on the way. Dropped one side of my earring. Darn, it's only the 2nd time I wore that pair of earrings. Oh well, got new ones at Compasspoint basement. 3 pairs. Yay!

Choir outing began with dinner at Cafe Cartel. Then it was an hour long bus ride to Parkway for pool. Bloody waste of time. But never mind, more time to chat and bond. Then it was pool, glorious pool. Of course, it was the newbie table. I beat Justin three times. Hehe. Then he and I teamed up and played against Cassandra and Larry, the "Bimbo team". Justin hit black ball into wrong hole. "Bimbo team" won. Bimbo luck.

Shared a cab with Da Hong, Gracelyn and Ying Chuan, the East Side people. Got gastric. Then Gracelyn nagged at me to drink Milo when I get home. (I just had a cup.) Then she nagged at Ying Chuan to send me home all the way. Which he did, but I suppose he might have done so even without her nagging. He's a nice guy.

Mum not happy about me reaching home at midnight. Naturally.

Now it's time to wrap up, wash up, hang up and say goodnight. Goodnight.

♥ The lights faded at 12:19 am

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I finally got to watch "In Her Shoes" yesterday. I had prior knowledge that this movie has a really low rating (like, 2-and-a-half stars), but still, how bad can a movie be when there's Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette and the really great Shirley MacLaine in it?

Not bad at all, actually. Sure, the storyline is a little clichéd (evil stepmother, sisters are polar opposites, one wrecks the other's life), but there's no denying that it's heartwarming. One of my favourite characters is the deadly cynical best friend of Rose. Another thing I like is that this movie has quite a share witty lines, most of which are spoken by Rose, of course. Here are some that I like: (Note: they may not be word for word accurate.)

"There's a consistency in your cynicism that's beautiful."

"She won't remember your name. In fact, I don't think she can even spell it."

"There are some women who have lace bras and thongs. A thong would look ridiculous on me. I wear cotton briefs."

"Clothes never look good on me, and food makes me fat. Shoes are the only things that fit."

Yep, that's about all I'll say for the movie. Now go and watch it! I was actually inspired by it quite a bit, and straight after the movie, my sister and I each bought a pair of shoes. (Lavender stilettos with diamante buckle for me, wedges with black straps for her.) Yeah, that was the inspiration. Pretty shoes can never be overrated.

♥ The lights faded at 12:00 pm

Monday, January 16, 2006

Hello? Anybody missed me? Hee.

I've been experiencing some pesky internet problems for the past couple of days, which intervened in my blogging (and mapling, but never mind). Now that I'm back from the living, let me try to recall what I've been up to for the past week.

Chelle's Closet, Part I
As usual, I bought CLEO. As usual, it was inspiring, in terms of fashion and beauty and lifestyle. But the problem with such magazines are that they tend to steer you towards materialism. Really, there's nothing wrong with wanting to have nice pretty things, but I don't have an income of my own yet. Therefore, it is not justifiable to want things like $256 jeans from Polo Ralph Lauren, or $89 blue corset-top by Studio from Tangs, or (whoa) $399 heels by Lolita from Tangs & Co. Darn, given my current status, I shouldn't even be thinking about the $114 white pants from Tommy Jeans, or $79.90 heels from Tsumori, or even $26 Disney limited edition Tinted Lip Conditioners by M.A.C., which I swear, it's the packaging that we're paying for, but it's a pretty collectible.

WAIT. WHAT AM I THINKING? I don't need those things? I am privileged enough to be able to afford a hell lot more clothes then kids my age in developing countries. I really should be happy with what I have. But...

(As the shuttlecock flies in the other direction...)

Then again, shouldn't we aspire to be able to have better then what we have now? It's one of the prime reasons why we are driven to move forward, right? Sigh, but...

(Shuttlecock gets stuck in net. Game OVER.)

P.S. I cleaned out my closet, literally. Now everything is really neat and looks really nice.

Back to Chelle's life...
This morning's Economic's test was not a killer at all. In fact, it's one of those tests that you'd easily ace as long as you studied. Which I did not.

One fewer stall in the canteen this year. Result: longer queues in front of the other stalls. And I confess my sin: I cut the queue. At first I was at the back of the Western Food stall, and I spotted two friends at the Chicken Rice stall. After a while, the stall is running out of chicken. I was despairing when I saw another friend like, third in queue at the Western Food stall. And so I was, hell, why not?

Moral of the story? Nice guys may finish last, but not-so-nice girls get their food first.

Every Monday ends with PE. The next few PE sessions will all be in preparation of the road race. We finally have fair weather. But whoever said that the other running conditions will be just as fine? To start off, circumference of MJC multiplied by two is not a short distance. (And thank God MJC is not some giant school.) Not much natural scenic beauty to admire, just a bunch of construction going on. But with construction work, comes... construction workers. The kind that ogle at young girls with those lecherous grins. It's no wonder that most of the girls run very quickly past that particular stretch. But that isn't the worst.

I have a bloody stalker!!!

And subtlety just isn't my stalker's thing. Ten out of ten times I tested whether or not my stalker was really stalking me, the results only turned out to be affirmative. When I run, my stalker runs behind me. When I stop, my stalker stops. This stalker just refuses to be shaken off! Have you any idea how creepy that is? For a moment, I was thinking, why not go really slowly, and let my stalker overtake me? Sure, my stalker did overtake me, but stopped like, two metres in front of me! Bloody hell! My stalker refuses to leave a five-metre radius of wherever I am.

My current plan to combat this problem is to train my running, to outrun my stalker by a mile.

♥ The lights faded at 6:33 pm

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Today's a holiday, so some might say that it's a a good day to come down with fever, flu and cough, which is what I did. However, I did not consult a doctor. Anyway, my temperature has now gone down, which means that I should be able to make it to school tomorrow and last one day without collapsing. But how am I going to prove to my teachers that I was sick, and therefore did not have any energy to do any work? Seriously, I spent most of today sleeping and taking my temperature and coughing. Yay, at least it's a short day tomorrow, assuming that there's no choir practice. (It's most likely that practice will only commence after the arrival of the J1's.)

Looking at the college calender, I feel as though this is going to be a short year, even though it has 365 days just like any other year. Of course, there'll be the usual tests and exams, but here are a few events which I think are going to be a little more interesting. (Whether or not it's interesting in a good or bad way, you be the judge.)

Feb 03 - College Road Race. Definitely going to run/walk in the non-competitive category.
Feb 16 - Career & Personality Profiling. The last time I did this, I got teaching and counselling as my career options.
May 10 - Choir Public Performance at Victoria Concert Hall. Yay! All friends are to make themselves free on this evening!!
Dec 08 - Prom Night. Ooh yeah.

I think it was the rain on Sunday that got me into this state today.

♥ The lights faded at 8:29 pm

♥ The lights faded at 8:29 pm

Sunday, January 08, 2006

My re-discovery of the joy of mapling has resulted in no time for me to do what's academically constructive, which is bad considering that is a crucial year in my schooling life. (I'm only saying this because it's a fact. Give me some time to actually register this notion in my heart, so that I can say it with a little more sincerity.)

Point is: I really should not be playing Maple!!!

Then again, when I'm not playing Maple, I'll be, well, sleeping or shopping or eating or watching tv or... blogging (Which explains my absence from here for the past few days). Guess I might as well.

What next? Oh, MJC Choir is doing a musical for concert this year! I'm really excited.

Now for the latest thriller...

The iPod (episode one):

Two minutes ago, my sister burst into my room, in a most furious state because our father has refused to take her damaged iPod to Jurong for servicing. His argument is that there is nothing wrong with the iPod, hence no need for fixing. My sister then explained that the iPod only works when it's not moving, so there's no point in using it if she can't carry it in her bag. I don't know the reply to that, but it mainly involves telling my sister to work around that problem, somehow making sure that the iPod doesn't move when the listener is. Which is quite impossible.

I choose not to take sides. For me, moral of the story is: maybe I'll save up to buy myself an iPod. Yep.

♥ The lights faded at 9:27 pm

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

10 + 1 ramdom things about my first day of school in 2006:

1. With the exception of Dr S still teaching our class for Lit Paper 4 (Yay!), all other teachers did not follow up.

2. As I had predicted, every teacher emphasised on the A'Levels, and how short this academic year is going to be, what with block tests, mid-years and prelims.

3. There was no handing-in-of-homework ritual today. WHEW.

4. Poor Jerrold. He's the only guy in the class now, trapped with 16 girls. But for all I know, he's enjoying it. Nah, JUST KIDDING.

5. School food is actually quite cheap. $2 for a plate of chicken rice. Yeah man, I can start saving again.

6. Even though it's the first day of school, there are already official lessons. Macroeconomics, as I have feared, is complicated. And there's Maths homework.

7. The one thing I really hate to hear on the first day of school? "Essay test scheduled on week 3." Argh.

8. Sigh, what was I so excited about? I'm stuck with the some same old eyesores for one more year!

9. Then again, it's ONLY one more year, then I'd graduate and it's ciao, baby!

10. Priscilla's in MJ now. It is good to see her, and have her as a junior again. Pris, if you're reading this, take note of my not-so-subtle message: PLEASE JOIN CHOIR!

10+1. In exactly one week from now, there is a public holiday. Woohoo.

♥ The lights faded at 3:34 pm

Monday, January 02, 2006

It was only a couple of weeks ago that I found out about what "Campus Superstar" was about. Earlier tonight, I watched it. To be fair, the contestants really can sing, and there's no Simon Cowell around.

Now for the not-so-cheery comments.

To start off, there are WAY TOO MANY talent shows, and I won't even bother naming them. The only thing that sets this show apart from "Project Superstar" is that the contestants are younger. Much younger.

And unfortunately, that's like the thing that I can't stand. Hello, these kids are still schooling! I know that it's good to encourage them to dream, and pursue these respective dreams. But the show goes right into the academic year, interfering with homework and tests and exams, the stuff that really matters. (And I can't believe I just said all that.) And some of these students may think, "Oh, it's okay. I don't need to study. I can sing, and I'm popular. I don't have to worry about my future."

Hmm... Newsflash, kiddo: What are the chances? Firstly, you have to compete with the winners of the chunks of other talent shows. Moving on, has any of such winners actually enjoyed substantial success? Heck, a bunch of them are probably in the midst of collecting dust as I'm typing this.

And wouldn't you find it really ironic that yours truly happens to be considering, JUST THINKING ONLY, about joining "Singapore Idol"? Well, I'm hoping that there'll be a season 3 because well, the upcoming season 2 happens to clash with my, erm, school work.

(Like I'll do it in the first place.)

♥ The lights faded at 10:06 pm