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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Well, following the rage, I got myself one of those Johari windows too.


So do me the favour. Thank you darlings.

A while ago, I heard from Pei Yi that if you kill ants, you go to hell. Which didn't stop me from killing ants, but made me feel guiltier about doing so. Hey, I'm not killing ants because I'm evil or sadistic or anything, they're just all over the place and invading the kitchen. Murder has become a necessity.

Today, Wilfred told me that ants are the devil's advocates, as they go around stealing and invading. Therefore, killing them is actually a redeeming act. Well, he didn't actually say the last bit, but I feel the need to bring his statement to a closure.

In any case, I think Wilfred's argument makes a lot more sense.

♥ The lights faded at 9:54 pm

Monday, February 27, 2006

Somehow I have this song stuck in my head. I don't think it's a big deal, so don't think too much into it.

Hunter - Dido

With one light on
In one room
I know you're up
When I get home

With one small step
Upon the stair
I know your look
When I get there

If you were a king
Up there on your throne
Would you be wise enough
To let me go?
For this queen
You think you own

Wants to be a hunter again
I want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go

The unread book
The painful look
The TV's on
The sound is down

One long pause
Then you begin
"Oh look what
The cat's brought in"

If you were a king
Up there on your throne
Would you be wise enough
To let me go?
For this queen
You think you own

Wants to be a hunter again
I want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go

For this crown you've placed upon my head
Feels too heavy now
And I don't know what to say to you
But I'll smile anyhow
And all this time I'm thinking, thinking

I want to be a hunter again
I want to see the world all over again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go

I want to be a hunter again
I want to see the world all over again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go
Let me leave
Let me go

♥ The lights faded at 6:40 pm

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Well, I finally found a few cameras within budget. One that I particularly like is a Kodak camera. It's got 5.0 megapixels, 3.0 optical zoom, 5.0 digital zoom, comes with a 256MB SD card and a tripod and costs $349, which is quite reasonable. So what do you think?

♥ The lights faded at 4:22 pm

Okay, just because I haven't blogged for a long long long time, doesn't mean I died. It's simply because I haven't got anything to pour out of my heart or mind. Or maybe there's just nothing interesting happening in my life. Now I wonder if there were anything interesting to begin with. Which isn't fair.

I really, really sick of being Plain Jane. I suppose that's the female equivalent of Average Joe. I want to break out of this mould. I want to be equated with "wow", not just "okay". (Of course I wouldn't want that ALL THE TIME, but you roughly get what I mean right?) So far, it's seems to be always a pass-me-by moment for me. I'm only some girl at the corner, at the side, nothing more.

Sigh, just when is it going to be my chance to shine? When can I be at the centre of the stage?

Do you think that I'm one of those attention-seeking, limelight-craving people? Oh, please don't.

Life is so short, I just want a moment in my youth when I can be a somebody, not just a face or a voice in the crowd. I want a special moment when it's all-about-me, an immortalised memory that can be relived over and over again in years to come.

Really, I don't want life to pass just like that and then at the end of it, I go, "Oh, that was fast."

Because that, dear ladies and gentlemen, would be a tragedy.

♥ The lights faded at 3:45 pm

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My absence from blogging in the last week or so, was due to my sickness. Damn, I really hate being sick. Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose... I felt groggy all the time.

Now that I've recovered, I face a whole new problem: trying to get my life back on track. That's the Singaporean rat race for you. I missed only 3 to 4 days of school, yet now I feel like an alien who's landed on planet MJC, and the countries called Maths, Econs and Lit, are suddenly so foreign. Sigh.

The good thing is though, my voice is back. I can finally sing to my heart's content again.

♥ The lights faded at 3:36 pm

Monday, February 13, 2006

Here is my updated wishlist.

My Valentine Wishlist

1. Anything from SIX

2. One of those big bling accessories from Mini Bits, like the heart or the star.

3. Flowers. Never cliched.

4. One bar of Nestle's "Club" chocolate.

5. Ferrero Rocher doesn't sound that bad either. Actually it doesn't sound bad at all.

6. A treat at any (or all =p) of the following places: Escape Theme Park, Marche, Reverse Bungee, Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar...

7. Bacardi Breezer, in Tropical Orange. Wrap it in pretty ribbons.

8. TIRAMISU. (Why didn't I think of this earlier?) I quite like the one from Coffee Bean.

9. A cookbook. Featuring food that doesn't have fancy ingredients that I've never heard off. Food that is easy to cook. (Read: doesn't require much preparation or cooking time.)

And I updated this list not becuase I have nothing better to do, but because of reader demand.

♥ The lights faded at 11:05 pm

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Just because I like it, I'm going to put this list here:

My Valentine Wishlist

1. Electric guitar shaped charm from Isetan, with multi-coloured crystals.

2. Anything from SIX

3. One of those big bling accessories from Mini Bits, like the heart or the star.

4. Flowers. Never clichéd.

5. After-Eight Chocolates. If you find it expensive, one bar of Nestle's "Club" chocolate will do.

6. Ferrero Rocher doesn't sound that bad either. Actually it doesn't sound bad at all.

7. A treat at any (or all) of the following places: Escape Theme Park, Marche, Reverse Bungee, Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar...

8. Bacardi Breezer, in Tropical Orange. Wrap it in pretty ribbons.

9. TIRAMISU. (Why didn't I think of this earlier?) I quite like the one from Coffee Bean.

10. A cookbook. Featuring food that doesn't have fancy ingredients that I've never heard off. Food that is easy to cook. (Read: doesn't require much preparation or cooking time.)

Aiyah, something like that lah.

Was that too obvious a hint?

♥ The lights faded at 3:06 pm

Monday, February 06, 2006

My computer is spoilt. Now typing from school computer. Break over. Gotta go.

♥ The lights faded at 11:41 am

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Valentine's Day is coming in ten days. That's when I begin to fantasise about receiving bouquets and cards and teddy bears and should I be really, really lucky, jewellery.

And I sound superficial.

So Valentine's Day, to the male specimen, is yet another gift-giving occasion, resulting in a hole in the wallet, and unwarranted shopping. Actually, I find it difficult to rebutt that. Today, nobody seems to know, or bother about why we celebrate Valentine's Day. Luckily, we still do nevertheless. So to express my gratitude, I'm going to spread the word on how this very special day came about:

History of Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is believed to have had its beginnings in a Roman festival called the Lupercalia. The early Roman men often wore the names of the girls who were to be their partners during the Lupercalia pinned to their sleeves. Even today we say that a man wears his heart upon his sleeve when he shows his interest in a young lady. Sometimes the couple exchanged presents. Ladies often received perfumed gloves or fine jewels. After the Lupercalia became a saint's day honouring Saint Valentine, some of the old customs were kept.

Later, people began to exchange valentine cards instead of presents. The Duke of Orleans is believed to have made the first valentine card. Imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1415, he wrote love poems, or "valentines", to his wife in France. Sweethearts exchanged handmade cards during the 17th and 18th centuries. The French trimmed huge paper hearts with yards of real lace.

Valentine cards became popular in the United States during the Civil War. Elaborate cards trimmed with satin ribbons, mother-of-pearl ornaments, and spun glass were sold. Within a few years Valentine's Day received almost as much attention as Christmas.

Today's valentine cards are simpler. Children often exchange them with their schoolmates. They can easily be bought in stores, but it is good fun and a pleasant pastime to make them yourself.


Yep, cool right? So although Valentine's day is mainly about the romance and all, it's still celebrated among friends. And now, I'm going to get really busy with making little valentine gift bags for most, or if my budget allows, all my friends in school. Let the fun begin.

♥ The lights faded at 8:47 pm

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Good evening.

I meant to blog earlier, but as luck would have it, the computer came down with the most annoying problem ever.

Regarding the MJC Road Race 2006: To run or not to run in the competitve event?

I have a mosquito bite on my butt. And it's also irritating the hell outta me. Don't laugh. Who knows how it got there, but who cares anyway. Stupid lecherous mosquito. Of all people of sting, why me? Of all places to sting, why there? Argh.

Damn, it's late. And I'm far, far behind in homework. But that was kinda expected, right?

Great, as I was typing this, I got more mosquito bites, on my leg this time. What the hell, I stay so high, yet there're still these bloodsuckers lurking around. So allow me to log off now and go on a mosquito massacre.

(Come out, come out, wherever you are, bloody bloodsuckers.)

♥ The lights faded at 10:19 pm