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Friday, March 31, 2006

The following line is from the movie 13 Going on 30:

"You can be the pot and the kettle for all you like, biatch."

Life sucks.

Sometimes you think that there is someone out there who really really understands how you feel. I've yet to find that someone.

I'm not even allowed to vote yet, and I'm already involved in more politics than I'd like to. School politics. FUCKING school politics.

Out of the few close friends I have in class, one has completely ignored me and I HAVE NO BLOODY IDEA WHAT THE REASON IS, and the others are happily sticking with her.

Fine, I won't die. And so I decided, I'll just move from the 2nd row, where we all used to sit. Well, where to now? 3rd row is meant for the "cool and popular" clique. 1st row is waaay too near the board, not to mention that I'll look more nerdy. I could move to the other side of the 2nd row, but I'd rather die. Then again, I'd naturally be asphyxiated should I ever move there.

Hence the 4th row was born. (Since then the J1s keep adding tables to the 4th row. Stop shifting the furniture in C3-2, dweebs. It's not even your homeroom.) There, I'll be all alone and I'll focus on my work. (Although I think my enthusiasm for work won't last beyond a couple of weeks.)

Okay, even though the other girls are "clique-ish", in all fairness they are nice people. Once in a while I'm invited to sit at the 3rd row. Even so, I'm still not part of them. I don't think this will change. But I still sit with them in class, and in the LT. What else can I do? I don't know. I don't know.

Thank God for the choir. It's like my sanctuary, and one of the very few reasons why I go to school.

Life is sad when you're reduced to that.

Oh, and my block test grades are DFF. Bloody hell.

(Note: I rarely swear. Now you can guess my mood.)

♥ The lights faded at 8:47 pm

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So I haven't been blogging for a long long time. I don't really know why. To put it simply, it was writer's block. To put it more complicatedly, I got confused.

Life is so full of stupid things that everybody knows for a fact yet they just keep repeating them, as though rubbing it in. Eg, "Life is unfair", "Nobody is perfect", "It'll get better eventually" and my personal most hated one for the moment, "Life is like that".

Don't say that, it's either you think that I'm an idiot or you think that I'm dead. Hello, of course I know what life is like. I'm still living, remember?

Oh yeah, I am still living. But whatever for? (Dum-dum-dum, suicide alert! -.-") I mean, life now seems like such a drag, it's becoming painful. I'm trapped in the monotony called life.

So what am I living for?



The hope that I'll find faith again.


Because tomorrow might be good.

♥ The lights faded at 8:41 pm

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My mum is so cute. Yesterday, being her off-day, is a rare day when she cooks. So I came back to a fragrant house, with smells of fish and meat and butterhead luttuce.

( I simply have to digress. How do you pronounce "lettuce"? I pronounce it as something like "letters", only without emphasis on the "r". Some people say "lettews". Some people call it "lettoose". Recently I heard a "letteese". Man, I'm confused. So what to do? Consult the expert.

Bring in Longman Dictionary.


Okay, it's supposed to be pronounced as something in between "letters" and "lettis". I'm going to work on it.)

Anyway, when it was dinnertime, my mother shouted for me (I was in my room), "Come and take the rice... Aiya! Never mind."

She forgot to cook the rice.

So we had instant noodles in place of rice. Haha...

Sigh... I've never been so unprepared for a major series of tests before. Never mind, I'm prepared to fail anyway. There's always next time.

(Funny, I think I've said that before, and I didn't do too well for the following time.)

♥ The lights faded at 6:15 pm

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Vocal Consort presents Trois Chansons
Victoria Concert Hall
Saturday 18 March 2006 7:30PM

And so I finally went to town. It became a mini celebration for me, and so I decided to dress up a bit for it. And then the narcissist in me couldn't resist...

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Oh well. Anyway, my first stop was Compasspoint Starbucks. Grande Mocha Frapp = $6.10. Inflation. Bloody hell, my allowance isn't index-linked okay, which means that my real allowance has decreased. (Lame, I know, but since I'm subjected to the compulsory torture called school, I might as well put some knowledge to good use.)

Yeah, so anyway, I spent the time doing a little reading, then talking on the phone, and walking around the mall. After that, met up with Zhou Rui Hong, and we took the train to City Hall. His hair spikes looked like TV antennas. Hehe. Dinner at Subway with the choir. Then we all walked to VCH.

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Eugenia and I were lagging behind because we were wearing heels... Haha, this photo looks as though I'm stalking the people in front.

The concert itself wasn't very entertaining actually. Sure, the sound was very nice and warm. Maybe it was the songs. All were so short, and some endings didn't sound like endings. I was like, "Huh, over already?" Well, the final songs (Folklore, followed by the finale) were the most entertaining of the lot, and the concert ended on a literally high note.

Post-concert photo:
From Left: Me, Holly, Carine, Eugenia

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Oh yeah, I also saw AHS Choir juniors! Here's Yi Jia and I, plus Justin T's hand. (Spoiler.)

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Walked a very long distance to Lau Pa Sat for supper. Two-thirds of way through, Eugenia and I were looking for people to swap shoes with, but nobody wanted to (for obvious reasons). Here's a look at the killer heels. Mine's lavender, Eugenia's is black.

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I paid $1.50 for this funny green tea that tasted like Chinese tea. It's some ancient brand I think. I made my intelligent guess from comparing the bottom of the can to the more common can.

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Have you ever wondered how the kopitiam ice came about? Why is there a hole in the middle of the ice? Is it because of the ice cube tray? But what is the point?

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(To digress a bit, look at what I got out of a cereal box! An "ICE AGE 2" ice mould! I wanted Scrat the Squirrel, which is my favourite character from the movie, but I got Sid the Sloth instead. When I was taking this photo, the tropical heat melted away Sid's front paws. Guess what happened to Sid now? I ate him! Haha...)

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Yep, that's all for Saturday.

As for today, la-dee-dah... I went to Suntec for lunch. After lunch, went to the optical shop for eye examination. My degree went down for some funny reason. Previously it was Left-400, Right-275. Now it's Left-325, Right-250. What the hell, I changed my glasses just last year, and they were so bloody expensive. Now I may have to change them again. Anyway, my astigmatism went up, from 75 each eye to 125 each eye. More reason to change glasses actually. Oh well, that can wait. Got new contacts that catering to those with astigmatism - Acuvue Advance.

Nothing much happened for the rest of today, it seems. Argh, I haven't studied... Sigh, it's so late. And tomorrow is the last day before block test. Yep, I am always procrastinating to the last minute. Damn.

♥ The lights faded at 10:14 pm

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sure all of you know what that GEMS thing is. "Go the Extra Mile for Service". All of a sudden, pink cards are all over the place. Honestly, do you ever feel ashamed of these courtesy campaigns? I do, because it very plainly spells out "Singaporeans need to be told to be nice people."

People simply cannot care less. The nice ones don't need these rubbish campaigns to be nice, and the heck-care ones, whom the government is wasting money trying to educate, will remain heck-care. And boy, does it suck when it seems that half the nation or more falls into the latter category.

I'm not even talking Utopia here, where we're in an everybody-helps-everbody-and-we-all-live-happily-ever-after society. Nice thought though. Dream on. It ain't going to happen anytime soon. We're not even close to a civic society, which is sort of a subset of Utopia. Nobody spits, nobody litters, handphones don't ring in the middle of movies (I admit I've been guilty of this one, but it was only once okay?), people give up seats to pregnant ladies... You get the picture.

In the most recent issue of CLEO, there's a column on '20 things Singaporean women should give a damn about'. No.2 is etiquette. Let me quote from the magazine:

"Is it that hard to put your mobile phone on silent mode at the movies? Which part of 'No flash photography' do you not understand? Even if you're not guilty of the above crimes, you could be guilty of staying silent. Nudge offenders to practice considerate behaviour. And when was the last time you gave up your seat to the elderly or pregnant (it's not just the guys who are supposed to do so, you know). If you can't, ask a man to kindly give up his - equality between the sexes isn't an excuse to stop being gentlemen."

Yep, that and 19 more important things that every Singaporean (not just women) should give a damn about. I'm not writing them here. Go buy an issue of CLEO yourself. It's a great mag.

And speaking of gentlemen, is chivalry dying? I almost said 'dead' instead of 'dying', but then I recall there are a handful of gentlemen I know. A mere handful. Sad.

Okay, the event that happened that made me so fired up to type all this, happened this morning at Burger King. This morning, I met up with CK for a breakfast date, and I also intended to study there. After we finished eating, we put the food aside and spread out our work. Then his friends came over. 5 people in total, so we sat at the 6-seater table. (Shiyun was there! Still the same. Nice to see her.) They were discussing their Chinese drama stuff, I was half-listening, half-reading 'Frankenstein'. Meanwhile, the tray was attracting flies, so the auntie collected it. (Of course she would have taken it away anyway.)

Then CK and his friends left to go to Shiyun's house. By then I was pretty engrossed in 'Frankenstein', so I didn't move to another table. After half an hour to one hour later, the manager came to the table and barked at me,

"If you don't mind, there are people who need the table to eat!"

Bloody hell, so many people turned around and stared at me! That's so not the kind of attention I want. I was so humiliated! Then this group of men came in and sort of gathered around the table, so there was this immense pressure for me to get lost. I didn't even pack, just threw everything into my bag and walked away from the table. After that, I was scanning the place for that manager. No sight of him. I stormed out. Then I stood outside, about 5 metres away from the door.

The manager appeared. I glared at that rude manager through the glass door.

And he glared back.

And I whipped my phone out of my bag and dialled.

Manager looked worried. See? He's guilty!

Anyway, I was calling CK to complain. He told me that the manager was not worth my getting angry over. Still, I really felt like storming back in and telling that manager off. Idiot, he's on the service end, what right had he to chase me away like that? And it's not as though I randomly sauntered in and plonked my books down. I dined there as a customer, fair and square. In the end, I suppose that I agreed with CK, that the stupid man really isn't worth the trouble.

Grr. I'm not going back to that outlet to hear more barking.

Afterward, I asked my mother for her mature opinion of the matter. And she said that I'm in the wrong. She told me that I should have bought a drink or something if I wanted to continue to sit there alone. But I ate there already, so why should I pay more?

Argh, I'm so vexed.

Is it my fault?

♥ The lights faded at 3:34 pm

Hello Thursday. Whoa, it's Thursday already? It means there's only 4 days left to block test! How did half the week fly by so quickly?

Oh, I remember now. I was getting seriously re-acquainted with the television, especially Hallmark channel. I think shows like "The Nanny" and "Bewitched" are simply classics, ever so timeless. I love the nanny Ms Fine; she's so adorable. And my favourite part about "Bewitched" is that Samantha and Darren are the most loving couple ever.

Yep, with shows like these screening a few times a day, it's no wonder that I don't get anything done.

♥ The lights faded at 12:26 am

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My worth is not measured by how others judge me.

♥ The lights faded at 3:54 pm

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Why is the NUS and the NTU respective open houses on the same day? Competition? Aiyah, surely people would want to go for both right? But if they do all this in one day, their brains may fail from information overload.

It's a good thing I got some NTU information sheets at the career fair last week.

Well, going for the open house, there were a lot of things that I already knew. Priority for admission goes to those who have obtained 3 A's and above. DUH. If not then whom will it be given to? Straight E's scorer?

Oh well, at least it narrowed down some of my choices. Now I'm most likely going to throw out law as an option. Too stressful. More than 60% likely to choose Arts and Social Sciences over... Business? And NUS over NTU, becuase NUS has a broader range of subjects under FASS (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences).

Going for the open house, I also saw a lot of MJ people. Saw Justin Hui and some other Lit students. And I saw some couples whom I didn't know were couples. Did a lot of jaw-dropping today. especially for this certain couple. I knew the guy and the girl, but from different places. How they met and got together is so... Well, like I said, the world is a small place, Singapore is smaller. I also saw an ex-classmate and his girlfriend, but couldn't see her face though, just her arms constantly around him. No comments about that.

Yeah, and some other things that I'll talk about some other day.

Happy 1 year 4 months anniversary to my darling!

♥ The lights faded at 12:20 am

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Photos at last!

Yay, see my hand very nice right? CK was so silly when he saw my nails. He said, "Eh you put liquid paper on your fingernails is it?"

Cute baby.

What the, it's a French manicure okay.

And what's the deal with "liquid paper"? It's a liquid corrector for crying out loud!!! There is no such thing as paper in liquid form, at least, none that I know of. I'm quite sure that most everyone around me is quite smart, so please behave as smart as you are please!

♥ The lights faded at 10:00 pm


Well, it felt good to shout it out.

Somebody save me please...

♥ The lights faded at 9:31 pm

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A thousand thanks to Zhou Rui Hong for calling at 5pm, waking me up. Sounds strange? Well, I was alseep at home, and there was choir at 5.30pm. Being late = $2 fine. And I've been late a lot of times already. Think of what I could buy with all that money. A ton of arcade games, or one hour/++ of pool, or a MacDonald's meal + dessert... Anyway, after I hung up, I chiong to school like nothing else. Ran ran ran... And then guess what?

Choir room out of bounds. Everybody sitting outside waiting.

I had ran for nothing.

And I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt! I was preparing to sit in the freezing air-con room. Instead, I was stuck outside with everybody else, sitting next to Zhou Rui Hong's post-PE stink. (Heheh.) So I changed places. Sat next to Justin T. But he was busy talking about the Oscars with Weslie. And I didn't watch it. (I fell asleep last night at 9.30pm, can you believe it? But I viewed the Oscar stuff online just now.) So I sat next to Geraldine. We talked about our primary school. We were from the same primary school, so coincidental right? If you're from Tampines North Primary School and reading this, tag!

Going backwards a little, my oversleeping was unusual of me. I'm usually a light sleeper, and I usually remember to set the alarm. But this time I was so tired until everything went off. Well, I'm lucky. I made it on time.

There is a God.

Anyway, guess what we did for PE yesterday? Spring-cleaning of the PE storeroom! Yes, since secondary school until now, students = free labour! So much dust in the storeroom... I was holding my breath until I nearly went blue. But it was quite fun actually. When Leyi and I were pushing the carts, I said that it felt like being an air-stewardess.

Me: "Fish or chicken? Coffee or tea?"

Leyi: "Would you want to be an air-stewardess next time?"

Yeah, actually I have thought of it. From this magazine that I read a few days ago, it says that an air-stewardess earns about $3500 a month. And has about 15 days off a month. Hey, that's good man! Moreover, when she's staying overseas for a few days, she gets extra allowance! That, plus free air tickets. And I love travelling. Getting paid to travel would be a dream.

"Paris, First Class, International."

Here I come. Haha.

Of course I know that there's more to it than the glamour. Let's talk about the requirements first. Minimum A Level certificate. (I could do that. Just stick it out until the end of the year.) Height at least 1.58m. (1.67m! Heeheehee.) Needs to pass training and exam and swim test. Uh-oh. I only got a beginner's cert, Level 3. Can or not ar? But don't the stewardesses wear life-jackets?

Did you know? For the longest time, I have thought of being an air-stewardess for just once in my life. Most likely not long-term, because I plan to settle down early. But as for that, it's not going to happen just because I want it to. Things like that are quite hard to determine.

Well, que Sara Sara, whatever will be, will be.

P.S. Oh my gosh, I sure hop from topic from topic very quickly...

♥ The lights faded at 10:15 pm

Sunday, March 05, 2006

About yesterday...

I went downtown, after weeks of being stuck in my region.

What I like about the SIX shop at CitiLink is that they always have a sale going on, and there's a whole bunch of nice jewellery selling for as low as $3. I got new earrings! Again! Now I have 43 pairs and counting! Whoa, that's a lot of earrings. Yep, that's my shopping weakness. But I usually buy only from the affordable range. The more expensive ones are gifts from relatives. But I like them all. One of my favourites is a pair of fish skeletons, very cute.

Okay, enough of my vanity.

I went to the career exhibition at Suntec Convention Centre. It was quite informative, but for me I gained a lot of unnecessary mileage, and I was still wearing new shoes. In any case, I found a lot of information regarding tourism and hospitality (for my sister primarily, but it's something I can look into also), as well as NTU Arts and Social Sciences, and Business. Also got some banking stuff. Argh, now I'm confused.

Assuming that I make it into the university of my choice, what courses should I take?
- Economics?
- English Literature? (Most likely as a minor.)
- Psychology?
- Sociology?
- Business?
- Accounting?
- Mass Communications?
- Media Studies?

Well, at the very least, I can throw out any options that have to do with Science and IT.

Is my future really in my hands?

♥ The lights faded at 6:01 pm

Guess who I met at Lowrey Music School today? Lyndsey! After not seeing her for... more than a year, I just learnt that she has been taking lessons there since P1. And I've been there since P3. Wow. Of course, we only formally met in AHS, but knowing her for 4 years in there, and never knowing that she and I attend music lessons in Lowrey. And what's more extreme, is that for the past who knows how long, we've been in the same building, only a few walls away from each other, without knowing it!

I don't know if freaky is the right word, but it's definitely one of those experiences that made my mind jump out of its usual place.

Well, let's see what else happened so far today...

I was at this void deck, and I was browsing at a mamashop while waiting for the bus. There was this series of machines which I don't know the name of... You know those things where you put in a $1 coin, then you turn the knob, and then something random rolls out? Yeah, I saw a 20-cent version outside the mamashop, and inside there were these cutesy plastic rings. I remember that I was crazy about things like these when I was a kid.

I saw another machine that was full of miniature pool balls, $1 each or something like that. I wanted to get one, hopefully the '8' ball, but one thing that has ticked me off ever since I started playing this stuff, is that the machine contains a lot of other things as well. So if I'm unlucky, I'll end up with a transparent rubber ball with a hideous plastic alien inside.

In any case, I didn't buy anything. But I did observe that those machines were quite full, and quite forlorn. Either the machines were newly refilled, or today's kids don't like this stuff anymore. Maybe they're too busy playing with the newest creations by Mattel and Fisher-Price and what-have-you.

And I sound old. Heheh. My generation played with Mattel and Fisher-Price too, as well as those cheap masak-masak toys. I went to a series of shops with my mum the other day, and I chanced upon a whole shelf of what I used to play with, and one small set costs only $1! So let's say you want your kid to have a more complete masak-masak set, it'll cost you maybe $5 to $6? While at Toys"R"Us, that kind of stuff could cost around $20. Of course, the quality is much better. (I still remember I had owned a really cheap Barbie-esque doll when I was six or seven, and her head and limbs kept falling off.) But kids grow up fast, and soon you're going to toss them -- the toys, not the kids -- away.

Sigh... now I'm basking in fond memories of my childhood. Somehow, I don't think I ever stopped being a kid.

And you can even confirm that point with my mum, who kept teasing me about looking at those toys at the shop.

♥ The lights faded at 1:08 pm

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Yay!!! I got my camera!

It's a Nikon Coolpix S3, with 6.0 megapixels and a whole lot of fancy functions. A gift from my father, sort of a reward for getting the A grade in Chinese. No pictures here yet, because I'm quite lazy to install the programme in the computer and all. Maybe tomorrow or next week. Anyway, the package also came with this digital imaging eBook, which is very much like Photoshop, as far as I know. (I can't stand being the tech-idiot that I am.) In any case, hehe, no more I-look-so-ugly-in-this-photo photos! Hmm... That might be an exaggeration actually. I don't know whether or not the programme works, and who needs digital imaging when they have naturally radiant beauty?

Right. Just kidding.

Oh well, time to get shutter-happy.

♥ The lights faded at 10:04 pm

Friday, March 03, 2006

Memoirs of a Scriptwriter

The title is such because I nearly died finishing the script. Don't misunderstand me. I love writing the script. It's evolved to become my baby. Of course Weslie deserves equal credit, or more, in fact. But to put "baby", "me" and "Weslie" in the same sentence would sound SO TOTALLY WRONG.

I shudder to think the reaction, should I ever have said that sentence out loud. To an audience. Which of course I won't. (Do pardon any part of my sense of humour that I have displayed here.)

Okay, let's move on.

Anyway, the opportunity cost of writing this script, is playing pool with choir friends! And (sort-of) free pool lessons from Zhou Rui Hong! And yes, Zhou Rui Hong, as you're reading this, you are not entitled to call me "AP" for not participating in a choir outing, because right now I'm at home slogging away to finish this script

Which I did, but not without the bloody printer jamming so many times. But now it's complete. Now my concerns are:

Is it going to be approved by the masses?
Are the leads going to be comfortable with the script? ( I had to edit some romantic scences.)
Is the script going to fill up a 50 minute slot?
Is it going to work with the choreography?
Where to get the props? And costumes?
How the hell is the entire choir going to move around the stage without chaos breaking out?

That, and a million other questions. Paranoia can kill. I think I better rest.

♥ The lights faded at 4:35 pm

Do you ever get ticked off when people simply refuse to type properly? Confused by my question? Here are a few instances:

"i din noe worx"
What the hell, the only thing I can identify is "i", and it's not even capitalised!

"ii lub euu"
Another thing I don't understand is the double "i". Isn't it more troublesome? And the rest of the sentence is just as sad, if not sadder.

It was a good thing I didn't die laughing when I saw this. I would have left the world as a baffled woman.

"sMilEs OwaEs"
Not only is the alternate capitalisation hellish to read, the only thing I have to say about "OwaEs" is "Ow".

And sometimes, it's the content.

"i dun like liars n backstabbers"
Wow, you mean there are people who do?

Well, there's a lot more out there that I haven't seen. Thank God. I can't afford therapy yet.

Actually, getting over-exposed to bad language is a pretty crappy reason to go into therapy, but then again, over-exposed is sometimes an understatement.

♥ The lights faded at 2:02 pm

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The seniors did better than expected. At least a 95% pass rate in almost every subject, and a 100% pass rate for four subjects including Literature. I also heard that 57% of Economic students got A's and about 70% of Literature students got A's. What is confirmed, is that there are a LOT of students scoring straight A's. 17 got 4 distinctions. Wow. I'd like to get 3 distinctions this time next year. Well, who wouldn't?

And we got a holiday, as encouragement to work harder. Woohoo, now I have the free time to finish the script. Yep, I'm part of the production team for the musical, working in both the script and choreography. I'm loving it. It's nice to be involved.

Oh, and we got our Chinese A Level results back. I got an A. Now's time to breathe that sigh of relief.

♥ The lights faded at 11:46 pm