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Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm sad because:

1. I lost one yellow sock. Don't ask how, it just got lost. Damn it, my yellow socks are my newest and favourite socks! And losing only one sock kinda throws off the balance in my life. I'm presently whining away, and my mum is so tired of it, she's giving me money to buy new yellow socks. But then I'll have one extra yellow sock. Waaah.

2. I have two ulcers, and they irritate like hell. Argh, braces. And to make things worse, my dentist is cheating me (or rather my mum, until I pay her back) poor.

3. I want to take some narcissistic photos of myself, to put here and on Friendster. But bad skin just keeps getting in the way.

4. Econs test tomorrow. =(

I sound like one of P!nk's stupid girls. Let's focus on the happy. I'm happy because:

1. When I was out earlier this evening, I saw rows and rows of watches on crazy sale. And by crazy, I meant stuff like 40% off Calvin Klein watches, 20% off Guess watches and it's super shiok. But I didn't buy any, because I have to save up for prom. =(

Well, so where does the happy part come in? Okay, when I was first looking at the Calvin Klein watches, the salesman (quite good-looking) came up and asked the usual "May I help you?", which I replied with the usual "No, it's okay, thanks", since I didn't really intend to buy anything. And then the salesman proceed to speak in Mandarin (the previous lines were spoken in English), that the watches were on 40% discount. So I just nodded and smiled. And then my eye caught a beautiful word: "GUESS".

I love GUESS watches. Problem is, I have a puny wrist, and the nicer GUESS watches all have big faces. So I had to content myself with just looking at the watches. And the salesman walked over.

"Ni3 shi4 hua2 ren2 ma1?" ("Are you Chinese?")

I was a bit stunned. Then I replied, "Ya." Then the salesman said because I didn't give a definite response to his Mandarin speaking, and I didn't look Chinese, so he was a little confused. I just smiled, and I was going to look at more watches, but then he started saying, "Ni3 tian1 shen1 bu2 da4 ai1 shuo1 hua4 shi4 bu2 shi4?" ("You usually don't like to speak much?")

I just shrugged and said, "You3 yi1 dian3 ba4." ("A little, I suppose.") (Strangely, I never thought of myself as a quiet person, but a lot of people have commented that I'm really quiet. So maybe I am quiet by nature. Oh well, better than some people who make far too much unnecessary noise.) Anyway, was I expected to start chatting with a complete stranger? Plus he was sorta getting irritating.

Then the salesman smiled and said, "Bu2 guo4 ni3 de4 yan3 jing1 hen2 mei3." (But your eyes are very beautiful.") A compliment! From a complete stranger! See, that's why I'm happy! Yeah yeah, you're probably going to tell me that he told me that just so I'd buy something, but he's not the only stranger to compliment me okay?

2. Later, I went to the foodcourt for dinner. I was queueing up with my mum, and after she paid, she went to another stall to buy her food. Then the stall auntie asked me, "That woman your mum ar? So young and pretty, and her figure so nice."

Wah, I'm happy when someone praises my mum too. It means I've inherited good genes. =D

3. National Day Week coming soon. Holidays...

♥ The lights faded at 9:42 pm

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Back to AHS (Part Three) (Last one!)

Okay, now that I'm awake, let's finish this... I sorta can't blog about other things until I wrap it up. So let's see what's around the corner...

A classroom block, with its gaudy lockers and... a CCTV camera. I suppose security is quite important. Or maybe it's just to discourage students from making out when they think that nobody's around. =p

Oh goody, let's climb up the stairs (again).

I have to say that the AHS library is pretty impressive. I like it more than MJC's library. (But come think about it, MJC's library has the computer room and the small rooms where we can watch VCDs/DVDs. Couples in MJC can go there for cheap dates. Haha.) And in the picture you can see where I'm walking to, which is this new addition that wasn't around when I was. It's some sort of study cubicle. Like there's rows of these, and in every cubicle, there's just a desk and a chair. The brilliance of it is that there's that wall, and hence you won't get distracted by what your neighbour is doing. Wow, maybe I could go back to AHS to study.

Photo-taking going on in the library, so we couldn't go in. Darn, I wanted to relive some memories. CK and I used to meet at the library every Monday during the recess break, and then we'd sit on those comfy seats in the quiet corners of the library and talk. Really.

I miss being in the same school as CK.

CK points out our next destination... And did you know that the clock tower was a famous spot for couples to make out? That's why they closed it. At least that what the teachers say. Which teacher would say that the tower is closed because of the ghost? Yep, AHS is haunted, and I think it kinda adds to the mysterious aura, if the school ever had one. Someone once said that MJC is haunted, and I couldn't help but laugh. Please, MJC is waay too young to be haunted. No one has died there yet.

One thing is for sure: AHS is full of stairs. The good thing about having a school on a hill is that very few people will be in the TAF club, because everyone has no choice when it comes to climbing stairs.

This place was formerly known as the air-con hall. Now that the main hall has air-conditioning too, the name has been changed to tower hall. There's a reception here, originally meant just for the VIPs. But somehow supply exceeded demand, and it resulted in a surplus. Hence anyone could just walk in, grab a plate, and dig in. CK and I had free lunch here. Hehe.

And after lunch, we sat outside the hall, and chatted with some juniors, and after that, CK and I went to Bedok to play pool. He won, and I'm so sad. I must play more pool in order to improve! Yes, after the A' Levels, I am going to play lots of pool!

Now, if only I were this motivated in my studies...

♥ The lights faded at 1:48 pm

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Back to AHS (Part Two)

Aah... The sequel. Sorry it took so long. For the past few days there was a problem with Blogger, and I couldn't post photos. Anyway, here we go:

The Geography Room.

CK was telling me that this is a good place to play truant. I guess that this seemingly good boy has a bad side after all. ;)

Back to the canteen. The vending machines. 40 cents for a packet drink! And MJC's canteen charges 50 cents! Some price discrimination huh, what justification is there?

Why did CK take a photo of the gents? And why is the gents located next to the drinks stall? It leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I meant that figuratively, not literally. By the way, I think the orange T-shirt is disturbingly ugly.

Outside the canteen. Al fresco dining eh? Those seats look new.

I wonder where it leads to...

The old PAC room. Wonder what they use it for now?

That's me again, waiting by the stairs. CK is so slow...

I realised that I'm blogging about a school, and I haven't put up any photos of classrooms yet. Haha. Well, here's a classroom block.

Ooh... Is that grafitti I see?

Okay, let's walk up the stairs...

To the left is the carpark... Yawn... To the right is...

Ooh yeah.

Okay, CK either seriously misses school, or he is seriously bo liao.

Round the corner, and we reach...

Well, there's something called suspense. I'm tired. Wait for Part Three, sweetheart. Goodnight.

♥ The lights faded at 10:32 pm

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Back to AHS (Part One)

Yesterday, CK and I went back to AHS for it's 5oth Anniversary celebration. Wow, golden anniversary. I don't know why I went back, actually. I always thought that I never did like AHS. Going back, things felt different somehow.

Anyway, CK went all hyper, grabbed my camera, and started running around the school.

Air-conditioner installed in the main hall! Why didn't it happen when I was there? It's four years of choking in that stuffy hall! Everyday somebody faints! Now then they do something it?

I love it when they sprinkle confetti at the end. My bag was open when this picture was taken, and I ended up da-bao-ing a share of it. Haha.

The corridor outside the main hall. Poor SC gotta clean up all the confetti. Oh well, it'll look good on your testimonial. Speaking of which, I lost mine. Damn.

Aah... The concourse, bustling with activity. -.-"

Sheng4 jie2 gong1 yi4. Haven't seen these four words in a long time.

Ice-cream cafe? No... All the good things happen after 2004!

CK revisits his favourite canteen stalls. All closed, except for one:

The drinks stall auntie remembers him but not me. That's because I look a lot better now then I did back in those days, so that's why she can't recognise me. Not to say that I'm some hot stunner or what, but at least I'm not the all-out geek I used to be. (Although I can take comfort in the fact that I didn't smile to myself, I didn't make jokes that nobody found funny, and my hair didn't stink.)

The bookshop. And the photo-printing machine that's sorta concealed behind the ridiculous plants. There must be this potted-plant-renting company that rents out all these things to schools during big school events. Why waste all this money? Surely everybody knows that these plants aren't there during normal school days? What aesthetic purposes? They look so out-of-place!

And we have the aesthetics block. Used to be a classroom block when I was in Sec 1 and 2, if my memory hasn't failed me.

Hey, the big tree is still alive! I used to hang around that area. The first level was where the choir room used to be, when I was Sec 1.

Behind the aesthetic block is... the science block, which also houses the geography room and the kitchens. And that's me in the photo. I was so fed up with CK's running around with the camera, so I just walked ahead.

And I'm still fed up now! Thanks to him, I have to blog a super long entry, split into two. I'm so tired now, so Part Two will have to wait for now. That's it, goodnight!

♥ The lights faded at 8:54 pm

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I can't help but love Singapore Idol. Never mind that I'm going to be poor from voting, I just want to see some people make it to the top, and I can play a part in making it happen (Wow, I suddenly realise how much power the average Singaporean actually has. Rich ones will have more voting power, since more money = more votes.)


No prizes for guessing who my favourite SI contestant is. =)

Although he isn't particularly handsome (still easy on the eye nevertheless), I think his voice is super sexy. I'd be all mesmerised and gazing at the TV screen everytime he sings, if I weren't singing along as well, which is yet another reason why I like him. We share the same taste in music! *Swoons*

Am I sounding too fanatic? Haha... Goodness, I've never been much of a fan before. Last SI season, my favourite was Jessea, but unfortunately she got booted out super early. Speaking of booted out, Gayle's out. Like, why? She's so pretty and her voice is quite decent. And when she sang "Leave", I thought it was rather ironic, because she really is leaving.

Anyway the other contestants I like are Paul, Rahima and Mathilda.

While I'm typing this, I'm listening to Kelly Clarkson, probably the most successful Idol winner. Woohoo, I think I caught the Idol fever. Meanwhile, my eyes (and ears) are on the TV screen, and my finger's on the phone.

♥ The lights faded at 9:29 pm

Monday, July 17, 2006

Dear Diary,

What a day! So many issues on my mind...

About Some People

Some people are such fucking hypocrites. They pretend to be all righteous and holier-than-thou, and the next thing I know, I got a knife in my back. Lovely. At least I admit it when I'm being mean. (Yeah, I know that I'm being mean right now.)

Some hypocrites are also stupid retards. Somehow they don't realise that others can see that they are being the hypocrites that they are. What the hell, are you too dumb to be discrete or what?


And now you're going to be your so-called righteous self again, saying, "Oh no, she said a bad word!", and have your bimbotic little gasp.

Fuck off, bitch.

About Some Other People

This is also somewhere along the lines of hypocrisy, but not so, because I believe that these people are self-delusioned. They commit all sorts of crimes, but think that they did nothing wrong. The crimes are not those of murder and arson (sha1 ren2 fang4 huo3), but a small crime is still a crime. Things like theft, underage clubbing, underage smoking, vandalism...

I feel really disturbed, honestly. Not so much the extent of the crime, but that these offenders don't think that they are wrong. Most will go like, "I shuang what! Cannot meh? Just because you never go do all these things doesn't mean I must be like you what! I like this kind of life cannot ar?"

Does logic still govern this universe?

About Life and Death

I'm paranoid. I'd be lying if I said that I'm unafraid of death, pain and suffering. Even though my friends say that it's going to be alright, I'm still paranoid and worried. For all the huge probability that it won't be, there's a tiny probability that it might be.

Not being specific here. Those who know me should know what I'm talking about.

Sigh, I'm tired, Diary.

♥ The lights faded at 9:35 pm

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm not feeling too low regarding my results, yet I'm not happy either.

Actually I'm quite lucky. I didn't get any F's this time. I have yet to get back E.Lit, but that one is a sure pass. Yep, I'll put the whole laundry list of results here after I get everything back.

I need to be motivated. Somebody tell me how?

♥ The lights faded at 10:04 pm

Friday, July 07, 2006

When I met Lisa in the canteen today, I was like, "Hi Lisa", to which she replied, "Hi er... Marilyn!"


Blur queen. It's been more than a year, and she still can't remember my name. And she's always calling me Marilyn. Later on, before I went back to class, I asked Lisa, "Do you remember me?"

She said, "Yeah, and I'll always call you Marilyn. It suits you."

"It's Michelle lah."

"No, it doesn't suit you. Marilyn suits you better."

So funny! It's the first time I heard that my name doesn't suit me. So now I have a second name, Marilyn. I quite like the name. It's elegant, and Marilyn Monroe is one of my idols. Here's a little-known trivia: Marilyn Monroe was really born a brunette by the name of Norma Jean Baker. Ironic, isn't it? The world's most famous blonde wasn't a blonde at all. See what a bottle of bleach and a name that alliterates can do to boost your Hollywood career.

Which leads me to think: Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

Let's look at famous people here. Surely being known to the world as Norma Jean isn't going to diminish her beauty one bit, but would Marilyn Monroe be less famous? While looking up Miss Monroe, I found a lot more stars who went by more glamorous stage names. The name "Brad Pitt" actually has a hunky connotation to itself now, but would he have been just as hunky if he was first introduced as William Pitt? (Actually he didn't change his name that much. His full name is William Bradley Pitt. But my point still stands.)

What about real names? Do real names make an impact on our lives? Will Suri Cruise and Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt grow up feeling sorry for the other girl's name? (To be fair though, they've both inherited fabulous genes. Twenty years from now they'd probably be hot babes. Okay, enough digression.) Will Apple Martin be depressed from being teased in class? (Maybe she won't even go to school. Her rich parents may get her a private tutor or something.)

Actually I wasn't too shocked with the Apple, because I've heard it before. And before local actress Apple Hong became known too. Years ago, I was watching this Taiwanese star search competition, and all the girls had erm... modern names. "Pink", "Purple", "Apple", "Peach"... There wasn't any girl named Orange though. Wouldn't that be a fantastic concept? You can be a colour and a fruit! Wow!

Which leads me to this conclusion: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but nobody may want to smell it.

Think about it: You are the boss of some company. You need to shortlist 10 applicants for an interview, and you have twenty resumes in front of you. After going through 18 resumes, you have shortlisted 9 candidates. The last two resumes are from two girls. One is Jacqueline Tan, the other is Purple Tan. (Both names are purely fictitious. Any name belonging to an actual person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.) Assuming that both resumes are of the same degree of impressiveness, whom would you pick? And also assume that you are not kicking out the previous nine. And there are no photos attached.

Would you pick Purple over Jacqueline?

♥ The lights faded at 2:41 pm

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Today was like the official first day of the new term, since before this, it's all exams. I don't like it. But it's alright. There's less than half a year left, and then I'll never have to see some people again.

(Is it spiteful on my part to think so? It sounds so, but if you know the situation, maybe you'll understand.)

PE today was nothing more than taking height and weight. Those height measurements are never accurate. I'm 167cm, according to the height ruler at home, and that one should be accurate, because the ruler is like 180cm and it's stuck to the ground.

In school, sometimes I'm 164cm, 165cm, 166cm. Today, I was 166cm.

I gained weight!

Yeah, 2.7kg to be exact. I'm having mixed feelings about it, truth be told. While I'm inching closer to what is technically my ideal weight, I have a bad feeling that it's all in the wrong places, stored as fat. But I'm an okay weight, so I'm fine with the weight gain overall. And it's not stopping me from eating non-stop.

So I should go to the gym, at least if I gain weight from gaining muscle, it's good.

And have abs! I'm going crazy since I saw that 8Days cover with Zoe Tay's abs. She's so hot, and she's like twice my age, maybe more. I want those abs too!

(Go on laugh, but I'm allowed to dream. But let me get to my main point.)

Sometime after PE, a friend of mine was saying that she's happy to have gained 4kg since the last time, and she "feels healthier now". And she's not one of stick-thin girls who desperately need to gain weight. She's a nice healthy weight. When I heard her say that she's happy about gaining weight, I was like, "Wow! That's rare! Why can't more girls be like that?"

Seriously, a lot of the anorexics and bullimics are really of healthy weight, many underweight even. Just why do they think they're fat? Hello, woman, wake up!

And there's always exercise. Why starve, or throw up?

I don't understand.

And later in the day, I was reflecting: what my friend said, I thought it's beautiful. Beautiful because it's rare. But shouldn't people be like that?

In past eras, gaining weight was a good thing. It meant that you're blessed, you're healthy, you're well-off. Does it still mean the same today? Well, it does, to most people. But why do so many girls of my age group think otherwise?

So has society degenerated?

About this, I'm partly influenced by CK. He's always saying that society's standards has dropped. Doing something that is supposed to be done, becomes doing something good, because the standard has fallen.

Take school for example. (This is CK's example by the way, which I think is a very good one.) A particular student goes to school everyday, and never ever plays truant. He is never late, and always hands in every assignment. He pays attention in lectures and tutorials. He may or may not be clever, but he's hardworking.

And so you think, wow, he's such a good student. (Some of you may think he's a freak, but that's besides the point.) But is he? Isn't a student supposed to do all that in the first place?

There's another example: public display of affection. Surely you've seen one of those couples before, those who just can't keep their hands off each other on the train, at the bus interchange, at MacDonald's... And CK's forever saying, "See, society's standards have fallen, but that doesn't mean that we should be like that."

And when he most recently said that, which was I think was yesterday, I replied, "But then do you want to adhere to the standards of societies of centuries ago? Back then, men and women weren't allowed to touch each other in public at all. Yet you're okay with holding hands. So whose rules do you want to follow? Shouldn't we move on?"

Should we move on? After all, pointing out that the standards of society has fallen isn't going to raise the standard again. So shouldn't we just get over it and move on? (Damn, that sounded familiar, but it so wasn't intentional.)

But what if we are moving on into degredation?

♥ The lights faded at 6:03 pm

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I love shopping alone. It's such a liberating experience.

Today, I was shopping at Suntec City after attending New Creation Church. People go club-hopping, I'm church-hopping. Haha. Since I'm not attending church regularly, for a number of reasons, I thought I might as well see what my friends' churches are like. So far it's pretty positive.

Anyway, about the shopping, it was fun. I like Suntec, it somehow reminds me of KL's Midvalley Megamall. Probably the size. I got lost a bit, but it was okay, because it meant I got to look around more, and I wasn't in a hurry.

Today's whole "I wanna go shopping" (mainly window-shopping really) was quite on impulse, so I didn't bring much Vitamin-M out with me. Furthermore, I dined out for both lunch and dinner. But I did buy this:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So nice right? I won't say how much it costs, only after that I was broke, but it's worth it, because every now and then chunky rings are in fashion, and it's not easy to find a ring that will fit my skinny finger, which also explains why I'm wearing the ring on the index finger and not my middle or ring finger.

And while I am at it, I might as well digress and show you my bling collection. Haha...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's pretty diverse, ranging from a tiara (birthday gift from my sister) to a bottle (souvenir from Prague) to jewellery. Yep, I'm a jewellery girl. Some girls are shoe girls, some are bag girls, I'm a jewellery girl. Man, I can't wait to start earning money, so I can get the real stuff!

And back to the shopping. After I bought the ring, the rest of the shopping was really window shopping. I went to Fox, Bods.bodyknits, Metersbonwe... and Topshop! I love Topshop, even though I've never bought anything from Topshop. The service is good, and clothes and the shoes and the jewellery is nice. The only thing stopping me? $$$, or lack of. I gotta wait till I receive a paycheck.

I also made a stop at LaSenza. The stuff is sooooo nice. And the price is affordable too, like $40 for 2 bras. (I just love sales). But unfortunately I didn't buy anything. Not only was I broke, the sizes are like quite big. I don't know about the bra sizes, because nothing in particular caught my eye, so I didn't check. The undies were pretty cute, and only $6 for one also. But they were huge! Even size S was too big, like if I didn't check I would think it's L. But the clothes are nice. I'm eyeing this pink tie-front top which is $19.

Yep, the next time I'm going out, I'm getting myself more stuff to spoil myself! Yay!

♥ The lights faded at 10:23 pm

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Sometimes I wish I didn't think so much. It can be quite infuriating.

Have you ever thought that when you put up another side of yourself in front of a different group of people, it could be hypocritical?

I don't really agree. From where I see it, it could be because different people bring out different sides of you. Then whatever side you show to them, it's really quite natural, isn't it? Like, when you're with close friends you're loud and you're crazy, and in front of relatives you are more reserved. I don't know about you, but I find it natural enough. Not like you're suppressing yourself and in any minute you're going to burst, are you?

And some people just don't change, regardless of whom they are in front of. And they say they are being true to themselves.

So... Being disrespectful means being true to yourself? And being respectful hypocritical?

Or am I merely imagining things? Am I thinking too much?

♥ The lights faded at 11:32 am