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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm an MTV Kid. There will always be something about MTV that's got me hooked. It's not even solely about music videos. There are programmes like "Room Raiders", "Boiling Points", "Pop Inc", "Score", the list goes on...

Lately I'm really into "Tiara Girls" and "My Super Sweet 16". Each episode of "Tiara Girls" basically documents a certain girl's journey as she participates in a certain pageant. The pageant could be as big as "Miss Teen USA" or something more unknown like "Miss Val Verde" (yeah, I haven't heard about that before too).

Watching this show, as well as the other shows on MTV, gives me some insight into the lifestyle of the average American teen, or at least I think. Anyway, I really like "Tiara Girls" because of the glamour factor. Gorgeous, voluptuous teenage girls with perfect skin and teeth. What's not to like?

But goodness, some of these girls are stupid. Ignorant is probably a more accurate word. One of the girls thinks that Kennedy is the current president of the USA. My God, I'm not even an American citizen and I possibly know more about the country than she does. Another girl thinks that "abstinence" is the state of being absent from school. Jaw drop, roll eyes.

Speaking of rolling eyes, I was at the bus interchange yesterday, queueing (sp? I can never figure this out) for this bus. Then another bus comes along, and I can take that bus too, so I tried exiting from the lane. There were about seven, eight people in my way. So I was doing the "excuse me, excuse me" thing for the first few people in my way. Then there were three people left. First two were kids, and they automatically siam out of the way, since they presumably heard me saying the "excuse me" thing just now. The last one, was the kids' mother, a short overweight woman.

Now, her foot was in the way, but I was thinking, "I'm tired of saying 'excuse me', so I think I'll just squeeze through". Now come to think about it, that was pretty foolish, because the said woman is overweight. (No offence to other overweight people, unless you were that woman. But she's probably not very well-educated, and hence the chances of her reading this blog, or any other blog for that matter.) But well, I'm not, so it was quite possible. In any case, I was expecting her to move her foot out of the way without me doing or saying anything.

So, was I being self-centred in a way? Like, "Oh, I am all important and everyone will respond to my actions automatically so I do not have to say a word." No. I expected her to do that, because that is something I would have done for anyone passing by. Some sort of a wordless courtesy, perhaps? Would you have shifted your foot automatically if you saw someone about to pass by? Not like it's going to make your day to "trap" someone in the lane right?

Well this woman kept her foot there, and she said very loudly, "SAY EXCUSE ME CAN", so loudly such that everyone queueing (sp?) at that section of the interchange probably heard her. What's wrong with her?! Argh!!! So anyway, I was too tired to quarrel with her, so I just said, "Excuse me", walked past her, turned back and rolled my eyes at her.

What, now you're going to say that I'm being impolite? Whatever. I'm too tired to fight with you too.

Yeah, so where were we? Oh yeah. Tiara girls. Well, I want to be a tiara girl too! (Roll eyes)

And I don't know if I meant it.

♥ The lights faded at 11:10 pm

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Nurul-Happy-Goober-Maideen is out. I'm not really surprised, since I didn't think she was as popular as Joakim and Jasmine. But she's young and cute and talented and most definitely top 5 material. Oh well, that's Singapore Idol for you.

Why is Joakim still in???

It appears that everyone I discuss Singapore Idol with can't stand Joakim and wants him to go home. So who the hell is voting for him?

Let me try my best to break down Joakim's supporters into a few groups:
1. Primary school kids, since they relate best to Joakim's boyish looks.
2. Secondary school girls who wish that Joakim will one day be their stead.
3. Joakim's family and friends (this is a given).
4. Rahima
5. Jacintha, who's probably the only judge who thinks that Joakim deserves to stay.

(Can judges vote?)

On the bright side, Jonathan and Hady are still in. Hady's becoming cooler, since he's probably under a lot of pressure not to look old next to the younger contestants. And I'm just going to vote for Jonathan all the way now. Speaking of whom, my sister saw Jonathan and Paul shopping at HMV Heeren on Monday.

That lucky bitch! I want to see Jonathan too!

Another thing, is it just the media depiction, or are Jonathan and Paul getting too close? And you know that tabloids are talking about romances between Joakim and Rahima, and between Paul and Jasmine? Want a real scandal? What about Jonathan and Paul?


No way. Cannot cannot. I love Jonathan!!! (And to CK, this is of course a very harmless love) Paul and Joakim? Hysterical.

Goodness, what am I blogging? Haha...

♥ The lights faded at 9:45 pm

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just in case some people feel the itch to bitch about how I am hypocritical because I played truant to stay home and mug, I'll say it first: that is utter bullshit. Firstly, I really am sick. Secondly, I don't mug. I never have, actually. To me, the act of mugging means to rob someone in a public place. So who came up with mugging = studying your ass off?

Okay, so the term does exist in the dictionary, but to study your ass off is actually to mug up, i.e. "I had to mug up some facts on pollution."

Whatever. I don't do that. Period.

(I wonder if the teachers read this. Because if they do then they'll be sorely disappointed right now.)

Anyway I just spent today catching up on much needed rest. Plenty of paracetamol does it.


♥ The lights faded at 11:12 pm

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I'm still in mourning over Mathilda being ousted.

Yes yes, Joakim is cute. Go on, vote for him. And Singapore will be represented by an adorable but mediocre singer.

What the hell is wrong with you people? Vote for quality!!!

Every week, the unsafe group comprises of the oldest but the best singers in the competition. Damn it, Mathilda should be one of the final 3, along with Hady and Jonathan. Now that she's gone, my pick for top 3 will be 1. Jonathan, 2. Hady and 3. Nurul. I'm not too sure about Nurul actually. Jasmine's improving.

Oh well, now that Mathilda's out. I'll just double my votes for Jonathan.

Oh yeah, and anyone wants to watch "Snakes on a plane" with me?

♥ The lights faded at 11:08 pm

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I love Singapore Idol. I'm aware that it's expensive. But I love it still.

ROCK. What ever happened to roll? (No pun intended, no matter how slight.)

Hmm... Shall I be so bold as to give my personal comments? Of course I shall. This is my freaking blog for crying out loud. So let's start...

1. Hady: Bon Jovi is a safe choice actually. I like Hady for his voice. And I like that he chose one of my favourite songs "You Give Love A Bad Name", without butchering it. (Leave it to Rahima to make something as gentle as Natasha Beddingfield's "Unwritten" into a scream-fest. But I'm so sad she's gone.) However, he only has the voice, but doesn't have the attitude or image to pull off the song.

2. Joakim: He looks so cute, and he can sing, but... he can't do rock, and somehow he reminds me of a cutesy version of Aaron Carter (and where is he now?). I think he'll do great on Disney Channel actually. But just not Singapore Idol.

(However, he kinda puts the "Idol" in Singapore Idol. It's more than just singing; it's a popularity contest. Because if it were purely a singing competition, either Jessea or Olinda would have won last season instead of Taufik the pretty boy. I like Taufik actually, he has talent and the star quality. He's good, but Olinda is better. Still, better him than Sylvester-Mr-Horrible-English-Sim.)

(Digressing again, I'm so glad that Jessea isn't out of showbiz just yet! She has so much more star quality than some of the rest combined. Jessea honey, while you're running around Singapore in "Urban Escape", can you record an album while you're at it? I'd queue up to buy it!)

3. Jasmine: Another cute one, but she's got a much better voice as compared to Joakim. So just why does she make horrible song choices almost every week? That aside, she's a pop princess, not a rock chick. This must be a bad week for her.

4. Mathilda: She made "Livin' On A Prayer" her own. But it's true that she is too much of a drama mama on stage. While Joakim dances to distract, she should just stand still and open her mouth to work magic. While she was singing, I was distracted by a number of things: the half-a-microphone stand, her flapping arm, and the necklace which disappeared into her cleavage. Nevertheless, if SI were purely about singing, she'd probably win.

5. Paul: He's too bloody commercialised. His goofiness was initially adorable, but it's starting to wear thin. Still, rock suits him, and he was the only one who could work a crowd. And he should either cut or tie his hair. The emo-hair worked at the beginning of the season, when it was slightly shorter. Now it's just fright-night-hair.

6. Nurul: She has the package - looks, voice, star quality. But she should just stop with the acting cute. What's the deal with all that "happy dance"? Drop it, girl. Pleasant performance/performer though.

7. Jonathan: Well, they save the best for the last, don't they? He really got the rock god thing going, although he overdid it at some point. But it was a suave performance. One thing that so did not work for me though: eyeshadow.

What the freak is that man doing, wearing eyeshadow? I know it's rock, but he has small eyes, and the eyeshadow only made his eyes look smaller. I don't know if Taufik wears eyeliner; he certainly looks like he does, but he's pretty and thus can pull it off. Paul wears eyeliner too, which I think makes his eyes look misshapen. But Paul is a boy, and makeup for him is just another phase he'll probably grow out of. Jonathan please don't go near eyeshadow again. Ever.

Well, I just voted, and I can't wait for the results tomorrow!

♥ The lights faded at 10:46 pm

I am a walking contradiction. I am saying this very directly, and in doing so I am also being a contradiction.

Guess everything works on more than one level.

We live to die. Even life is a contradiction.

I feel quite angry somehow. My life seems empty. It's endless days of dreading the next working day. I don't quite remember living my life to the fullest. If I die tomorrow (Heaven forbid), I will have too many regrets in the grave.

I blame it on the lack of opportunity. But do we create our own opportunities? Sometimes. I can't help being poor and hence I haven't seen the world yet. I can't just go rob a bank to fulfill my dreams.

There are so many things I haven't done yet! I have yet to bungee jump, go to Disneyworld, travel alone in New York/Rome/Paris/Greece/Sydney/Hong Kong etc, get married, have a baby, write a book...

And then I recall when I was younger, I went like, "I have yet to fall in love, go to China, climb the Great Wall, have my first kiss, go bra-shopping alone, swim in the sea, touch a shark, be an emcee, read Pride and Prejudice..."

And now that I have achieved these and I know some are really shallow, but you probably dreamed of owning your own iPod and having that Billabong bag, so it really comes down to ban4 jin1 ba1 liang3. Okay, enough digression. Anyway, I have achieved a fair bit of things, yet I still feel dissatisfied. So it is very likely that after I achieve all the stuff mentioned in the first list (well assuming that I do get the chance to), I would come up with a whole new list.

Would my life forever be imcomplete unless I become content with everything that I have at the current moment and regard every new thing as an added blessing?

(Whoa. Try saying all that in one breath.)

Argh... I think I shouldn't think so much. (Yep, another contradiction.)

Anyway, I'm also angry because I feel that I don't deserve to be reminded of one thoughtless mistake for the rest of my life. Cut me some slack. It's just like you don't give some guy the death sentence if he killed someone accidentally right?

No, you put him in life imprisonment? So maybe that's why I have to suffer from the consequences of my actions for the rest of my life.

Somehow I have to deal with it. Yet I want to change it. So I don't think this contradiction can ever work itself out.


Nevertheless, there is a silver lining in today's cloud. I got a Certificate of Merit for the Econs quiz, and I'm quite happy about it. As London Tipton would say, "Yay me!".

♥ The lights faded at 4:09 pm

Monday, August 14, 2006

My new favourite book is now "Everything Happens for a Reason", by Kavita Daswani. It has a straightforward style, and is simply beautiful. Somehow even though the heroine is in a situation different from mine, I feel the way she does. Is it a clever trick by the writer, or is the situation I am in not too far from the heroine's?

In any case, I've always been intrigued in Asian-American literature. It's the migrant thing, I suppose, and the fear that the next generation will be too Westernised. But it inevitably happens. And the elders don't want it to happen. Culture clash.

I can relate to that. My own mind is an eternal culture clash. On one hand, I want to honour traditions, and on the other hand, I want to break boundaries and be outspoken and liberal and all that. All my life, I have done neither. I've simply stayed in between.

Is it time to change? If so, which direction should I go?

♥ The lights faded at 10:08 pm

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sometimes I want to tell people about something, but who am I to tell them? Because too many times, I can't see it myself.

There's more to life than that.

Isn't there?

♥ The lights faded at 5:59 pm

Friday, August 11, 2006

While I was doing the ironing today, I thought I'd play some music, and I remembered that my piano teacher had loaned me this CD. And while the CD was playing, I realised that I've forgotten how much I like classical music. That was the reason why I took up piano lessons. Isn't it refreshingly different, strange and adorable all at the same time, that a six-year-old girl requested to take up lessons, while her peers were forcefully dragged by their kiasu parents?

(Come to think about it, I attended a hell lot of extra lessons in my childhood. Piano lessons, Chinese appreciation classes, art lessons... Actually that was about it I think. Some years ago, my mother told me that she would have sent me for ballet lessons if she had the money, since piano lessons already cost a bomb. So maybe my parents were kiasu after all. So what? I enjoyed those lessons!)

Well I won't be all hoity toity and pretend that I'm super classy, with all that musical knowledge and blah, because I'm not as... how should I put it? I'm not as accomplished as I would like myself to be. This reminds me of Lit lessons, when Dr. S. said that young ladies of the past were meant to be accomplished but not educated. (I hope I got it right.)

Well, here and now, priorities are different. I'm receiving the education, but I have little chance to be accomplished. I can't pursue my interests wholeheartedly because soon I'll have to feed myself. Unless I play the piano like Mozart (and what are the odds?), an interest in music, and similarly an interest in art, isn't going to bring food on the table, sadly.

So it's off to study do my Economics and Mathematics homework, and then I embark on my journey into a practical future, but before that, I think I'll play the piano.

♥ The lights faded at 10:42 pm

Thursday, August 10, 2006

National Day Celebration, 8th August 2006:

Celebration in school. The J2s crammed in LT4 for the concert.

A live band that any "hip" college would boast of. The drummer is my classmate Vanessa. Some guy from the choir thinks she's cute, and thought she was a J1. Anyway the concert was okay. After the concert, we had to stay back for Economics lecture. Spoilers, they are.

Me hiao-ing around after school, while waiting for the other choir people to show up. I have to admit that I dressed quite "cartoony". Priscilla said that I looked like an anime character. My mother said that I looked like a walking advertisement for the government and should any MP see me, he/she would be very happy.

Finally, someone willing to have a photo taken with me! Lots of kisses to Mel Kang!

All the guys wear white. Yawn.

My lolita-lollipop-prop. I have yet to eat it.

On the train. Da Hong and Jeryle acting cute with their attempt at the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" pose. But apparently Rui Hong got distracted by... Shu Kit sleeping on his shoulder?

Priscilla said that this picture captured a sense of randomness that is rather adorable. Jun Wen looks pretty squashed.

Lunch at Cineleisure foodcourt. I had my favourite foodcourt food, Korean BBQ fish. The Cineleisure one is especially good. Not only is the fish quite big, there are relatively few bones, and the skin is very crispy. And there are real vegetables at the side, instead of the burnt dou4 ya2 served at most other places. It's quite worth it too, at $6, unlike some other places where it costs $5.50 for a miserable excuse of a fish.

Pool time! I feel so marginalised as a girl, because the guys always play first, and I also feel quite zi4 bei1, because they're really good at it. Guys are generally better at pool, because they got more strength. These guys are good at pool also because they play a hell lot more often than I do.

Shopping at Heeren. Priscilla saw this seat outside Mini Toons and was thinking aloud, "Should I sit should I sit? Aiyah, better not lah" and I was like, "I don't care" and I plonked down.

So anyway, after Heeren, we went to Far East to shop. After all that town-ing, the rest went to Marina for a steamboat dinner, while I went to have dinner with my mother. I didn't want to see the fireworks that day, because I wanted to watch them on the next day with my special someone. =)

National Day, 9th August 2006:

I thought it would be kinda patriotic to go to Changi Airport, since it is very much a national icon.

I think Changi Airport is one of the most aesthetically-pleasing airports in the world.

I want to go travelling again.

Singapore is just full of artificial indoor gardens.

Eenie, meenie, mainie, mo. What shall we eat?

We settled on Sakae Sushi. Me + CK = two very messy eaters. We spilled soya sauce on everything. On the table, on the other plates, on our clothes, and even on the menu.

I'm so envious of CK, for having perfect teeth without braces.

We watched a fireworks show that was unfortunately blocked by trees. But on the train before we alighted at Kallang, we actually saw the first part of the fireworks show on the train. So cool right?

There were a lot of people, and security was super tight. Nevertheless, there were groups of men walking around, and I suspect that they weren't there to solely see the fireworks show. (Read: they were there to grab as much of boobs and asses as they could.) So CK was walking behind me, and I walked around with my arms crossed.

CK insisted that I take a picture of the moon, because it's romantic.

We went to Raffles City for supper. I just love the new basement. It's been extended so much, every time I go I'll see something new.

Lemon meringue pie! For several weeks, I've been walking past the shop that sells this pie, and I always wondered what it tastes like, and yesterday I finally found out. It's really nice. The bottom part of the pie is really sour, the middle is a soft thingy with a mildly sweet taste, and the top is the yummiest sweet thing I've ever tasted.

After supper, we went upstairs for a while. It was quite late, so most of the shops were closed.

PRESTAT chocolate shop, closed. So pretty right? It's like a pretty little dollhouse, with it's pretty little gate.

All the chocolates are just sitting there! I could climb over the gate and take those chocolates!

Okay, enough blogging for today. I've been sitting here for two hours, and Singapore Idol is starting soon. Noo... I need to study! All I studied today was Lit Paper 1, but I shouldn't really do that, since it's my best subject, and now I should concentrate more on my weaker subjects.

Hopefully I'll be motivated in time. Okay, I'm off to dinner now.

♥ The lights faded at 5:48 pm

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Some people seriously have nothing better to do. So they go around irritating other people. And it's down to the point whereby I'm not even fuming and raging, like I used to be. I'm just plain annoyed.

It's as though there's this mosquito that's flying around and around and around my head, had its share of my blood, and I just can't kill it.

So what should I do? Get bug spray? Try again to smack the mosquito? Or should I wait for the mosquito to have its fill, then hopefully it'll fly away?

And I'm just so tired. I don't see the need to justify myself for now, maybe I don't see the need at all anymore.

Nevertheless, I had a good day. I'll talk about it tomorrow, I guess.

♥ The lights faded at 10:16 pm

Monday, August 07, 2006

Such is the power and beauty of words:

From I forgot where:
"Love has three stages: desire, passion and devotion."

From When Harry Met Sally:
"When you realise that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest of your life to begin right away."

From Shakespeare's King Lear:
"For, as I am a man, I think this lady
To be my child Cordelia."
(Actually this line doesn't mean much on its own, but if you know the play, this line is very, very beautiful. Something in me stirred when I was reading this, and I almost cried. Yeah, I'm very emotional.)


And now some random things:

1. Let's begin with the angry one. Argh, you retarded bitch. I know I asked a stupid question, but I had my reason. So don't act as though you're Harvard material, especially when you're the dumber one between the both of us.
(Okay, that was mean, but I can't help it.)

2. Yay, I'm pretty thrilled about tomorrow. Because we get to wear red and/or white to school, and I'm going to be super enthusiastic (which is quite rare) and go all out and be decked in red and white. It's National Day, people! Which other occasion can you wear red and white and not look tacky? Yep yep, and I'm also happy about another choir outing. There's going to be pool, glorious pool, and maybe a movie. =)

3. Surprise, surprise, I actually curbed my earrings addiction! =) Yep, I'm now surviving on my current collection. But being me, I still spend a lot, but now it's on arguably more practical things like food. I can spend $30+ on a meal, but that's not everyday, if not I'll be really broke. Usually I spend $5 to $10 on food on weekdays, and maybe $20 on weekends. Food is one thing I don't scrimp on. Life is short - dig in. Other than food, I now have a new craze:

Designer stationery! Haha... Okay so it's not really designer stationery, but it's so freaking expensive can? The ZIG marker is $1.90, while a Mini Double marker costs only $0.85. And the super tiny YAMAYO correction tape is $1.00, while larger correction tapes cost much less. The UNI pencil lead is $2.00, while I can get some at $1.00? $0.50? Okay, I'll stop complaining. Yi1 fen1 qian2 yi1 fen1 huo4. I pay more, the quality is better.

4. Agnes is really sweet. See what she gave me?

So cute right? I've been keeping it for quite a while, because I she3 bu4 de2 eat it. So far, I've only eaten the tail.

Yep, that's it for today. So much for vascillating.

♥ The lights faded at 7:48 pm

Sunday, August 06, 2006

If you go to Msn.com, under "Video Highlights", there's this thing about a woman who claims to be the reincarnate of THE sex goddess of all time, Marilyn Monroe.

Being curious, and being a Marilyn Monroe fan, I watched the news video. Apparently, this Canadian singer, Sherrie Lea Laird, had been having flashbacks since the age of five. And these flashbacks were about Marilyn Monroe's life. I wanted to laugh, but there was this psychiatrist who went on the show to confirm that the bullshit was for real.

What struck me at first is that this Sherrie girl looks almost exactly like Marilyn Monroe. But with make-up and plastic surgery, almost any girl (or guy) can look like Marilyn Monroe. Seriously, reincarnation?

Moving on, I'll just gush about how sexy Marilyn Monroe is (though technically it's "was" and not "is", but she's very much immortalised). Her vital stats are 36-23-37. What the hell, this world is not fair! I would kill for a figure like that. And that memorable flying skirt scene in "The Seven Year Itch". She plays the most innocent girl possible in that movie, and it's not easy to be innocent and sexy. I just love her.

How can Marilyn Monroe ever be replaced?

♥ The lights faded at 5:35 pm

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Do you believe that the world that we are living in is a world of lies? I don't. Refer to CK's blog for more details about this supposed world of lies.

Somehow I feel that this is a life of disappointments, and maybe because of this, some people believe we are living in world of lies, since lies => false hope => disppointment. But that's a fallacy, because if we can see that it is a world of lies, then isn't there some truth in existence?

I'm sorry. Am I so bored such that I'm picking a fight over nothing? Maybe.

And I'm sorry for most everything else. Maybe I shouldn't even feel this way, but you make me feel apologetic. Suddenly reasons become excuses, and I'm a selfish ingrate to you. Well, maybe I am. And I'm sorry.

And more than ever, am I feeling ashamed for so many things: for not being a traditional Chinese girl; for not being a (stereo)typical girl for that matter; for thinking that I'm the most important person in my life, and so many other things.

Suddenly there is some sin in being a modern feminist mainly English-speaking Singaporean girl who has grown up in a secular environment most of her life. And you'll call this yet another excuse. Well, I'm sorry.

Yes I am ashamed of getting only A (and not A*) for Chinese, and only "Merit" (and not "Distinction") for PSLE. I am ashamed for getting B3 (and not A1) for O' Level Chinese, and a disgraceful D7 (not even scraping a C6) for O' Level Higher Chinese. And today you made me ashamed of getting A2 (and not A1) for AO' Level Chinese. Just when I thought that I had proven myself. Well, I'm sorry.

Yes I am ashamed of knowing more about foreign festivals and customs than about Chinese festivals and customs. I am ashamed that the only Chinese festivals I celebrate are Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival. I am ashamed that I can't even name many other Chinese festivals. My own mother, the most traditional Chinese member of the house, doesn't even celebrate them, so you expect me to be aware of them since young? And are you going to call this another excuse? Well, I'm sorry.

Yes I am ashamed of being selfish, but don't expect me to change anytime soon. I'm the most important person in my life. That's how I stay sane. I'm afraid of being selfless. I don't want to selflessly give my all to someone and one day this someone just leaves me and I have nothing left in my own life but a void. And then you will take this as a sign that I don't trust you. Who says that you won't leave me? Can you guarantee that you'll outlive me, and then in that case I'll be the one leaving first. Well, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I really am.

Please don't say that I shouldn't be talking about death because it's the 7th month. And when I dismiss it as superstition, you will say that I don't value tradition. Well, tradition or no tradition, death is the surest thing in life. It comes, regardless of the number of times one talks about it.

Ironically, this surest thing in life is a disppointment in a life of disappointments.

♥ The lights faded at 7:27 pm

Friday, August 04, 2006

(Listening to Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive")

Have you ever gone through a day and you experience something, and you think, "Okay, that's interesting. I think I'll blog about it," but after that you don't. Why?

It's like I wanted to blog about something that happened yesterday, but I had to study for the Numerical Methods test. Speaking of which, I'm bound to fail that test. I feel so disappointed, because I really did study, but I struggled through the first question, even though it's supposed to be the easiest question, and I'm like the slowest person on the planet. So I did only the first question, and the first part of the second one. Just before I submitted the test, I looked at the second and I realised that I had made a careless mistake, and the whole question is wrong. And no time to change.


(Haha... As I was typing that, my computer was blasting Bon Jovi's "You Give Love A Bad Name" and the line was "No one can save me / The damage is done". What coincidence eh.)

So anyway... back to the blogging part. I wanted to blog about somebody, but I think that might get that person into trouble. So I initially decided not to blog at all. And now I'm thinking, to hell with it, I'll blog anyway and keep this person anonymous.

So, to this friend, I just want to say the following for now:

Life isn't the war that you're always prepared to fight.

♥ The lights faded at 10:26 pm