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Thursday, September 28, 2006

I possess a bad mixture of forgetfulness, carelessness and simply bad luck. It's something you have to have, to lose so many important things. In my life I have lost my wallet (twice), my digital camera, I/C, books, jewellery... Today I lost my watch.

Somehow I feel really disappointed in myself for not being able to do the simple task of keeping my valuables by my side. I don't remember when I lost it, or specifically where I lost it, only that it was this morning in school. So all day Alexis and I were retracing steps and walking round and round school, but nothing found.

MJC people reading this: if you see a slim SEIKO watch with a black strap and a small white and gold face, it's mine!

I hope I can find it by tomorrow, if not I'm going to get a new watch during the weekend. You know how some people cannot live with day without coffee in the morning, or how most people can't live without their phones? I'm someone who cannot function without a watch. The reason why I took my watch off today was because it was PE, and it was so hot. I was perspiring and the watch became uncomfortable. And I took it off and put it with my phone and wallet, which were intact. So I don't know exactly when my watch disappeared.

And it was a birthday present from my mum! She's going to be so disappointed in me...

It's just as well that I don't have Dick Lee's $140,000 watch. Imagine how I would feel if I lost a watch like that. But then again, if I could just toss out $140,000 for a mere watch, then maybe $140,000 would seem like a large sum, since it's all relative. And if I ever had a $140,000 watch, I would always keep it on when I wear it out, even if it's 40 degrees outside and the watch itches in the heat or something.

Sigh... Why am I so careless?

♥ The lights faded at 2:40 pm

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Has the act of shopping become such a big part of my life that it defines who I am?

Today in school, my teacher specifically named me in class. "Michelle Ho, no more shopping okay?"

Oh my gosh, I was freaked okay! Firstly, how did he know? And why name only me, of all the girls in class? Am I really the one doing the most shopping? Have I unconsciously "bimbo-fied" my status?

And speaking of shopping, while I was doing the housework today, I shun bian turned on the TV for entertainment's sake, and I was just in time to watch "The Finer Side" for the first time. Goodness, that is one show for the filthy rich and hoity-toity. Dick Lee bought himself a $28,000 Vertu phone for his 50th birthday. $28,000!!! Some people don't even earn that much in a year! And a $140,000 Piguet watch!

Naturally I'm envious. So if I stop my shopping and start studying for real from now on, I may live to shop like that. But seriously, if I have $168,000 on me, I wouldn't spend it on a phone and a watch. I'd spend it on... shoes?

♥ The lights faded at 11:22 pm

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hady wins. Yawn. At least he deserved to win. Can you imagine if Joakim won?

Oh well, I'll still buy Jonathan's CD.

♥ The lights faded at 12:16 am

Monday, September 18, 2006

I want tickets to the finals! I want them so badly, I'm willing to pay for them! Argh, someone just give me the tickets!


As you can see, I have gone crazy. And CK is getting jealous that he doesn't get that much attention from me. (Sorry baby, you know I love you more. In fact, I love you most! Muack.)

And I love my mum. Now all the more because she loves Jonathan too. She thinks he should win, due to three reasons: 1. He's got a sexy voice; 2. He's calm; 3. He's cool. I totally agree.

Now alongside with my current goal of passing prelims, my other goals are to go to the finals, and to have a picture taken with Jonathan. Yes, I'm completely fanatic. But that only goes to show the power of the media, and a very sexy voice.

♥ The lights faded at 10:46 am

Friday, September 15, 2006

A rainy day.

♥ The lights faded at 6:44 pm

Whatever happened to free speech, I wonder?

How did we become a crowd of crowd-pleasers?

And more importantly, why?

What is the point of expressing my opinion if I have to apologise for it later?

And why should I apologise?

Is it my fault?

Can I no longer tell it as it is?

Am I doomed paraphrase convention for the rest of my existence?

Why can't I say what I feel?

So what if it may not be music to your ears?

Am I eternally condemned?

Is this the end?

♥ The lights faded at 1:06 am

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Economics teachers of MJC are sooo misleading. After going through all sorts of market failure questions and stressing on the importance of market failure, I focused on market failure when I studied, and I didn't touch some of the topics at all.

And did the much anticipated market failure question appear? Nooo...

Okay, time to study my favourite subject, Lit Paper 1. And tomorrow it's (dum-dum-dum)Maths.

But before that, time for dinner. More food. Yippee.

♥ The lights faded at 7:15 pm

Suri Cruise is adorable. Now I suppose the world can stop debating over her existence. And she's so much prettier than Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt. For now, at least. Nah, I think she'll stay prettier than Shiloh. She'll probably grow up with pretty wholesome good girl looks, while Shiloh will grow up to be a hot voluptuous babe.

So now, I have something that's troubling me. During their ten-year marriage, Tom and Nicole didn't have any children of their own, only two adopted kids. Hence I assumed that either one or both of them have some fertility problems. But now with Suri in the world, and Nicole reportedly pregnant, what went wrong during those ten years?

♥ The lights faded at 9:33 am

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I've discovered something that is extremely therapeutic.

Write whatever you want to write on a piece of paper, but it has to be negative. It can be your enemies' names, your least favourite subject, some food you really hate, anything.

Then tear the piece of paper up.

Voila, it's that simple. So why do people pay thousands of dollars on therapy? My method costs less than a dollar! See? You people are perpetually complicating what could have been simple lives.

I'm not saying that it solves problems, it's only meant to make you feel better and not much more. It's just like spending thousands of dollars on a shrink whom you see everyday for three months because some loved one died isn't going to bring said loved one back to life.

Or maybe it's just me. I don't know.

Oh well, time to tear up another piece of paper. And don't tell me it doesn't grow on trees. (I am pretty ashamed of myself, being so not environmentally friendly and all, but at least the paper has been used before.)

Alright, enough yakking. Ciao.

♥ The lights faded at 6:03 pm

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I've been at home for more than 48 hours, probably around 50 hours by now. I think that's more than the time my sister spends at home in a week.

(And Amy, if you read this, please don't find me naggy. But I really think that you should reset your priorities, because life isn't going to be like this forever. There'll be exams to pass and work to do. You'll need to make you own living in some years time, so please give the future some thought.)

So back to staying at home for this long. Gosh, I'm fast going crazy. And fat. Scratch that. "Fat" is such an ugly word. And I'm not some anorexic bimbo wannabe. Nah, I'm simply going to die from an overdose of mooncakes, ice-cream, oreo wafer bars, caramel cookies, Nestle cereal and the most decadent of all, KFC delivery.

Suddenly MJC canteen food seems refreshingly welcome. Bah.

♥ The lights faded at 6:09 pm

I'm quite happy, now that I'm finally studying. Of course there's the occasional break, like Singapore Idol, LOST, blogging, and lots of food.

And of course now that my body clock is tuned to sleeping at 2am and waking up at 10am, sucks. How the hell am I going to wake up on time during the exam period?

Plus the constant need to need. Right now, I'm off to supper, then it's the study of market failure. I'm managing Literature and Economics at an okay-ish rate, but I don't know how to fit Mathematics in. I like Mathematics actually, especially statistics, because it's so systematic and logical. But it's not easy to study. Well, at least GP (by which I mean General Paper, not Geometric Progression) is out of the way.

Stomach grumbling. Time for supper. Argh, staying at home the whole day equates to constant snacking. I must hit the gym and the pool after prelims. And buy healthier snacks. I'm going to die from eating Oreos. Plus the lateast Oreo bar doesn't even taste good. It tastes like that uber cheap chocolate wafer bar that you can get at NTUC for 80 cents for 20 bars or some ridiculously good deal like that.

Okay, toodles. 9_9 (That's rolling eyes, just in case you can't tell. Gosh, I'm getting bored.)

♥ The lights faded at 1:07 am

Thursday, September 07, 2006

This is in response to CK's blog entry about "Different Best Friends":

In my opinion, it only seems quite logical. I mean sure, you may have just one super closest best friend in the world, but he/she isn't going to be your only good friend. I mean, what if that person dies suddenly one day? You're going to be friendless for the rest of your life?

I also don't mean to say that friends (especially good friends) are homogenous goods and hence can be easily replaceable. (Please don't let that day come when human worth is reduced to this.)

Therefore, we have different best/close/good friends. Sadly, this is partly by circumstances. Usually the friendships we have are mostly proximity friendships. The kid whom you played with in kindergarten - the good friend whom you always shared your favourite toy with - do you still remember his name? Your group of best friends in primary school - have you left them behind along with your primary school days? Then there's primary school, JC, (NS for the guys), University and then poof, work and colleagues and a whole new batch of friends. What happens to all the "best friends" in the past places you have been, the ones whom you swore in your autograph books to "keep in touch forever"?

I'm not dissing anybody. My point is that it's inevitable that we have different best friends. Not only at different times, but at different places. Like how CK is one kind of best friend whom I have, but I can't always tell him everything. Not because I want to keep secrets from him, but it's quite difficult when I want to bitch about school and stuff like that. So I have friends like Alexis and Wilfred to bitch about school with, because they would understand, and happily join in the bitchfest. Haha...

And CK is not very fun to shop with, possibly because he doesn't like shopping. So when we go out, he's either following me around, or waiting outside the shop. And I'm quite kind - I don't shop for all the girly stuff or lingerie when we go out. Even in gender-neutral shops like CD shops, sports shops and bookstores, he doesn't participate. (He even "drowned" in Borders, because of the sheer number of books there.)

Even though CK is really patient and I love him dearly for it, it's still not fun to shop with him. So naturally I go out shopping with girls. Like Frances, Jo, Holly, Carine and some other girls.

♥ The lights faded at 6:08 pm

Monday, September 04, 2006

It's DAY ONE of prelims! It's the beginning of the end!


Now's not a good time to get all sentimental and bittersweet. I have to get to school now.

And I need to get my IC replaced. Soon.

♥ The lights faded at 7:14 am

Saturday, September 02, 2006

"Life is like that."

I cannot begin to say how much I hate that line.

Life is like what? All of us lead different lives. Even Paris and Nicky Hilton aren't always seen together anymore. (Thank goodness. Imagine if Paris weren't solo, but instead is in a girl group called "The Hiltons" or something. Yeah, and it's after typing it that I realise it seems totally absurd.)

The only similarity is that we all die, some point in our lives.

So life is like what? Complicated? Well, life can be simple. (Damn, "The Simple Life" just floated into my head. I have to watch less TV, especially MTV.) We are the ones screwing everything up.

We spend most of our lives complicating our lives, then spend the rest of it blaming everyone and everything but ourselves.

Like how people try so damn hard to deviate from the norms of society because they think they are unique and intelligent and different from the average Joe. Yeah yeah, guess what? Now you're like everyone else who wants to be different. What's that called? Diversity is the new conformity. So I suppose you've just painted yourself into a corner.

And then you're going to tell me that I'm being stupid because I'm just like everybody else in the society i.e. a mindless follower. Well, reality check, I already said that everybody is different, and in trying to be different, you actually end up being the same. So the one who doesn't try to be different is actually the one who is different.

So using this string of logic, I'm not the follower, because I'm not another self-proclaimed (and loudly-proclaimed while I'm at it) individual who's out to be different.

Okay, I'm going to stop here. If not some arguments will go in circles, and we'll end up nowhere. Somewhat like this blog entry.

So life is like... what?

♥ The lights faded at 9:27 pm

I realise that I am lucky. During Mid-Years, I slacked and I got COO, while some people mugged their lives away and got FFF. I really am lucky.

Hence I have come to a decision:

It may be late, but better late than never.

I resolved to work my ass off, so that I can score good grades for prelims and more importantly, A Levels.

For the future, for the future.

♥ The lights faded at 12:10 am

Friday, September 01, 2006

I want to blog, but I don't have much to say. (Well, Joakim's finally out, but it's basically that.) The solution to the so-called problem of "I-want-to-blog-but-I-have-nothing-to-say"? Pictures.

Gosh, can I even begin to express my excitement over having the perfume that I've always dreamed of having? (Blah blah blah... I'm such a shallow and materialistic bimbo you say... Blah blah blah...)

It's a strawberry heart in a bowl. It wasn't deliberate. I was eating slices of strawberry with vanilla ice-cream, and I saw this at the bottom of the bowl.

It's CK and me holding hands. Duh, the hairier hand is his, while the fairer hand (with the shorter fingernails) is mine. I like this picture. I like being in love. They say a picture tells a thousand words. This one might tell more.

♥ The lights faded at 8:25 pm