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Thursday, November 30, 2006

So sorry I haven't been blogging for such a long time. I've been busy going out, watching TV and mapling. After this, I'm going to pack and head for choir chalet! Hopefully there will be some nice photos. Also, maybe I'll upload the photos taken on CK's birthday.

That's it for now. Au revoir!

♥ The lights faded at 3:33 pm

Friday, November 24, 2006

Exams over. Woohoo.

Anyway for the past two days, I've been mapling, sleeping and coughing. Bloody hell, I so do not want to be unwell during the holiday season.

♥ The lights faded at 10:50 pm

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

All this will be over in less than 24 hours. It's so near, it's surreal.

Am suffering from Princess Hours withdrawal symptoms. It's really sudden, because everything that I'm watching is ending in the same period. Princess Hours, America's Next Top Model and soon Charmed. It's a sign: Time to stop being a couch potato.

And morph into a gaming junkie. 24 hours from now, I'll be mapling! Woohoo!

Old screenshot. The chief gray is so cute!

In the meantime, I've got a lot of Gothic work to do. Last night I read so about much horror, I scared the hell outta myself.

♥ The lights faded at 3:07 pm

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Princess Hours ended on such an anti-climatic note. But it was nice enough, I guess. My speculation is that the actual series is longer, and it got snipped quite a bit for the Singapore viewing.

Maybe someone who has the DVDs can lend me the last few episodes? And this isn't a hint. It's a blatant plea. Someone please lend me!!! I will bake cookies for you in return!

Well there's a happy ending at the very least.

♥ The lights faded at 8:26 pm

Monday, November 20, 2006

Feeling really angry and upset right now, due to a few factors. How do other people do it? Why is it that we can see other people being successful and happy, and we think to ourselves, "I want to be like that", yet it never happens?

There are certain things that I should have done, yet time and again I fail. I fail. And it's painful.

And there are some things in life that we cannot control. Neither the soft nor the hard approach will work. Then what will? Is there a happy medium to things?

Oh I hate being trapped. I hate it. On one hand it's like we're taking things for granted when we say that we don't need the things when we do, but on the other hand, having certain things around isn't the best way out either.

Why is everything so painful on so many levels? Why do misunderstandings blow up so easily? Why do we lose our tempers just like that?

It's horrible. Something somewhere has to end somehow.

And I do not, repeat do not want to deal with the fact that we live in a world that does not offer happy endings.

♥ The lights faded at 11:20 pm

Oh damn it I think I'm going through some sort of early-life crisis. And this speculation alone worries me because imagine what would happen to me when I hit an actual mid-life crisis.

I have lived 18+ years doing almost nothing!

Upon realisation of this fact, I do... nothing. What can I do? Ideally I would like to jump onto a plane heading towards some mountain, and then sit up there and do some soul-searching, and then hop to Africa to adopt a couple of babies, and then come back here and feel more... complete?

Which won't happen, because I don't have the money to start all this.

But most because I don't know whether I will really feel more complete after doing all that.

Someone help me, this early-life crisis is absurd! I'm only eighteen and I haven't even gotten any kicks out of being a teenager.

And one more thing. I know I'm selfish, and I keep reminding myself. But it's not helping me to become less selfish. Let's all face it, I think I'll remain this way for quite some time, but at least I don't pretend to be anything else.

And I'm getting more confused as I type. I think I'll stop here.

♥ The lights faded at 11:40 am

I feel very disappointed with myself, to say the least. I just hope that I don't have to waste one more year of my life retaking the paper, or waste four years of my life in some unknown Australian university. I just want to get some decent grades and get into a local university.

I don't deserve to, really. Competing against all the muggers, local and foreign, how can someone like me stand a chance?

Goodness I am selfish. But it is my life, what else can I do?

♥ The lights faded at 11:18 am

Friday, November 17, 2006

I look forward to Christmas. Don't you?

Although I can expect to be broke and heavier, and maybe lose my voice to singing, shouting and junk food, I still love Christmas!

Whoa, steady girl. One more paper to go, and then it's total freedom!

Until then, it's Gothic dreams.

♥ The lights faded at 11:31 pm

The set of Godzilla. Amazing right? This could be a dollhouse city to me.

Argh, two hours before an A Level Paper and I'm sick! Rawr!

♥ The lights faded at 12:22 pm

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A significant proportion of students will have their last day of A Levels tomorrow. Another significant proportion of students will only have their last day of A Levels on the 23RD of November. I do not know whether it is unfortunate, but I belong to the second group.

Rawr!!! I have to wait for so long!

And today's Economics was so... sad, for me. I walked in so ill-prepared. It's really a good thing that I have a pretty solid memory, and I know my foundations. So hopefully that will help me. I want to get good grades and get into a local university and everything, as much as I know I do not deserve to, if we are to be judged by how hard we have studied. But still...

I think I will try to read up my stuff again, just in case I might have to retake my A Levels. Knock on wood! But must be cautious. Pray for the best, and expect the worst.

Argh... Enough about the exams for now. Let's look at more lighthearted issues...

Sigh... So sweet right? 5 more episodes left!

Speaking of sweet... I made ice-cream!

Mango tea ice-cream. And yes, Princess Hours is showing in the background.

Unfortunately I didn't fill the cup to the brim, hence you can see part of the thing not filled. Tastes good by the way.

Another attempt, lemon tea this time.


♥ The lights faded at 8:28 pm

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I was going to post this entry yesterday, but I was tired. Anyway I updated the joint blog instead.

Happy 2 years (and a day) anniversary!

At the Singapore Zoo!

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival... Have I mentioned before how jealous I am of CK's naturally straight teeth?

Anyway we went to Fish & Co. for lunch yesterday. I love Fish & Co.! The food is great, and the service is the best ever. I think it's partly because we went to the outlet in Changi Airport, and service is always better there.

So much food! We ordered more than what two people could finish. I think I ate more, because CK likes neither the mushroom soup nor the mussels. So I had most of those. The fish is gooood, I tell you, simply delectable. Mmm... Even blogging about it makes me feel hungry. I'll go there again after the exams. Maybe on CK's birthday? That's the next big event.

It's still too early to say this, but I'll be looking forward to having a social life again after the A Levels. I've got things lining up, and there's so much shopping to do! There're events on 24TH, 25TH, 27TH, 28TH... plus chalet, prom, overseas trips... blah blah blah...

Okay okay... enough of that, I'm off to study!

♥ The lights faded at 5:53 pm

Friday, November 10, 2006

Well, I've just finished my supper, and now I'm thinking about it. It was a MacDonald's meal, though I didn't finish it, and it was by circumstance and not choice. My mother, with my best interests at heart, confiscated my french fries and threw them into the bin, after I got to eat only a miserable five fries or something like that. And so I was left with my foldover and coke.

Anyway, while I was finishing supper, I suddenly got reminded of last year's PW. According to the beautiful and shapely French women, you're supposed to have 60% of your calories before 2PM, so you sleep on a smaller calorie cushion, and digestion is easier. Polishing the remnants of my supper, I think the more appropriate metaphor for me is that I sleep on a calorie mattress.

While we're on the subject of unhealthy diets, I might as well talk about my unhealthy TV diet. I recently got sucked back into the world of MTV. Currently I'm into My Chemical Romance's "Welcome to The Black Parade", Tata Young's "El Nin-Yo!", Danity Kane's "Show Stopper" (or something like that) and everything by Pussycat Dolls. All so different...

I can't believe I can like something like Tata Young. Sure, she can better than... Paris Hilton, for one, but I didn't like her previous album. "El Nin-Yo!" is just one hell of a catchy song, though I'll admit that I can't stomach the video. If you haven't watched it, it's basically about Tata Young dancing around in different sets of lingerie. (Now that you know, you're probably combing the internet for the vid. Tsk. Haha...)

And "Yo Mamma" is so funny! I haven't watched much, because it's screened at all these odd timings. But some of the jokes are golden, seriously. Here's a couple:

"Your mama is so skinny, she swallowed an M&M and looked six months pregnant."

"Your mama is so bald, she took a shower and got brainwashed."

Haha... Funny, right?

Argh... I have to stay off MTV for some couple of weeks more! For now, it's Shakespeare! So farewell, as I bid thee adieu. Or whatever.

♥ The lights faded at 2:06 am

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Apparently, I've been tagged.

1. Name thirteen classmates/friends who come straight to your mind. Don't cheat and read the questions underneath first.
2. Answer all the questions.
3. Afterwards, tag six people to do the same.

1. CK
2. Cai Zhimin Alexis
3. Zhou Rui Hong
4. Priscilla
5. Jo
6. Carine
7. Holly
8. Frances
9. Wilfred
10. Justin Hui
11. Justin Tit (trouble with them having same first name is that one comes naturally to mind after the other.)
12. Agnes
13. Yue Han

1. How did you meet 10? MJC Choir (which by the way, rocks.)

2. What would you do if you had never met 1? There would be a world of a difference in my life, because I love him dearly. What would I do if I had never met him? I don't know! It's almost impossible for me to think back and imagine a different life without him. So mushy right? It's true.

3. What would you do if 6 and 2 dated? Freak out. Although 2 admits to having lesbian tendencies, 6 and 2 are from completely different worlds anyway. I don't think they'd get along.

4. Have you seen 4 cry? I don't remember. She's always cheerful, and a lot of times she's the one consoling a tearful me.

5. Do you think 10 is cute? Pleasant-looking, but not what I would call cute. I love his sense of humour though!

6. How did you get to know 8? My best friend. Same class for four years. Plus our register numbers were side by side, so we did almost everything together, from Home Economics cooking to science lab experiments to cheating in the exam hall. Kiddin' about the last one. And we like the exact same stuff at Subway.

7. Would you ever go on a date with number 12? Maybe, but it definitely wouldn't be a romantic date.

8. What's 7's favourite colour? I have no idea! Maybe red. Or yellow. Or white. Or blue. Or...

9. What would you do if 6 confessed he/she loves you? Elope, to the wrath of 2. Hahaha... No lah, I already know that she loves me, and I love her too. Of course we're talking about a friendly, sisterly kind of love.

10. State a fact about 9. He is half-Japanese. (Update: he is a quarter-Japanese. My bad!)

11. Who is 4 going out with? No one. It takes a special guy to deserve to be with her.

12. Who is number 5 to you? A dear friend, probably one of the few girls I'd like to French kiss. Hmm...

13. Would you ever live with 13? Probably not. I'd imagine he listens to loud rock music most of the time, and laugh at me when I watch Disney channel and Korean serials.

14. Is 2 single? Yes. I feel that she's fiercely independent, and scares men and women alike.

15. What do you think about 3? To tell the truth, he's like a big brother to me. And the occasional punching bag.

16. What's the best thing about number 8? She's a good friend, and she laughs at almost all my jokes.

17. What do you like about number 11? He's sweet and decent, and watches America's Next Top Model and Singapore Idol. Plus we've got quite a few things in common.

18. Favourite memory with 6? Too many! KL Trip, choir concerts, trips to TTSH, watching concerts, choir practices...

1. Zhou Rui Hong
2. Priscilla
3. Wilfred
Due to certain reasons, the other 3 will be people who were not in the above list.
4. Amy
5. Stephanie
6. William
(In case you were wondering, the instruction stated classmates or friends, hence I didn't include sister or relatives.)

♥ The lights faded at 4:00 pm

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I know GP is yesterday's news. The day before yesterday, if you want to be precise. But I had this issue on my mind. I was reading Xiaxue's blog, and there's this whole sort of saga going on between her and Dawn Yang. Like all comments, the arguments eventually deviate. And tralala, you see people condemning Dawn Yang for undergoing plastic surgery. There was a link somewhere:


Quite interesting, that one is.

Anyway this whole thing got me thinking... Is plastic surgery really, really acceptable?

Personally, I'm fine with other people cutting themselves up and inserting bits of plastic here and there... I think. And I will repeat the same stuff as a reason why I wouldn't do it myself. But danger aside, there's the whole issue with "natural beauty".

Do you believe in natural beauty?

♥ The lights faded at 4:36 pm

Friday, November 03, 2006

I know that television presents a warped reality (oxymoron, I know), but still...

And last but definitely not least...

Sigh... Total dreamboat, this one is. I think I find him the most delectable piece of eye candy. Pity his role is quite small, but never mind, that makes his presence all the more precious.

Damn, I sound really desperate, right? Haha... I think it's just an over-addiction of television. Which, in my present context, isn't too good either. Maths Paper 1 on 7TH November. Gulp.

♥ The lights faded at 9:52 pm

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Could you believe that someone like me can have an anxiety attack? Yep, I had one. I kept waking up throughout the night. Finally, I woke up at 5.25AM, and decided not to go back to sleep. One of the first things that came to my mind upon waking up, was that in the next few hours, my actions would shape the course of the rest of my life.

I tell you, it FREAKED ME OUT BADLY.

Paper One was very risky. I did the question that Mr Chew advised the class not to do: the gender issue question. But for the past few days I did my research, so I thought, what the hell, I'll just do it. Anyway, the whole thing wasn't half bad, except for the fact that I didn't complete the essay. I was on to my last sentence, then the invigilator said, "Pens down." Damn it I ended on a comma!

I think it will affect my marks quite a bit.

Paper Two was slightly better. I managed to finish everything, even though I went into the washroom in the middle of it. But truth be told, the AQ was a killer. Eck, I don't really expect to get many marks from the AQ anyway. The highest score I had ever gotten in the history of my JC life was a 3.5, I think. Not even a pass!

Okay, enough complaints. Not like it will change anything now. On the other hand, something did make my day:

Yay, healthy air again.

That, and . I love the show, cheesy factor and all. And today's episode was so nice. I can't help but take in every mushy line, because that's something that is only said in the melodramatic world of television. In real life, if someone said to you, "It is only with you around that I can breathe," you'd probably roll your eyes and/or laugh out loud, right? But in the show, it just sounded so... romantic.

Pretty pretty! Yes, and I'm unofficially crazy again.

♥ The lights faded at 9:00 pm

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

No... I missed the first half hour of yesterday! I was at the dentist's, of all places to have a double suffering (the pain of knowing that I won't catch the show in time as well as the physical pain going on in my mouth). I went there at 6PM, but I only got to go in at 6.40PM. What the hell, and I had an appointment, and I still had to wait for so long!

My teeth hurt so much now, and I'm back in the eating soft food phase. Anyway, can someone please tell me what went on in the first half hour of yesterday's episode? Thanks!

I am going to Korea.

♥ The lights faded at 1:27 pm