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Sunday, December 31, 2006

"Deathnote 2" was a really nice movie! The only bad thing was that many of the viewers were people who have read the comic series, so throughout the movie, people were talking and talking and talking... So irritating! Hello? Some people would like to watch a movie in peace. Discussions can always take place after the movie. Rawr!

Oh well... Anyway, here's a list of movies I want to watch:
1. Children of Men
2. Blood Diamond
3. Pan's Labyrinth
4. Spider-man 3
5. Dreamgirls

Oh by the way I've updated my shopping blog. Very bimbo, but it's just a fun and silly thing, and not meant to be anything more or less. Some light-hearted stuff. Hopefully the girls will like!
Hmm... I shall post some Christmas photos here. I went to Orchard Party World with choir friends. The crowd was actually quite okay. The karaoke itself was pretty fun!

Pretty Christmas tree made of lights.

More pretty lights.

Tadah, that's it for tonight. I'm off to dreamland now. Goodnight, and a happy new year to everyone, just in case I don't blog tomorrow. Au revoir!

♥ The lights faded at 1:23 am

Friday, December 29, 2006

Wow, FINALLY a chance to blog. Between work, and a number of social events, I barely have time to sleep, let alone blog or maple.

And now, I am blogging at a certain point in my life. Today very much closes a chapter in my life, one that is short but nevertheless will always be close to my heart. Today, I parted with my beloved children.

No, not biological ones, thank goodness. For the past two weeks, I've been teaching a K2 class at a childcare centre. Today being the last weekday of the year, marks the end of kindergarten life for them. Next week, they'll be attending primary schools and all. I will miss them. For the past two weeks they were the people whom I interacted with most often. I guess we bonded. It was nice.

And next week I'll be facing a new class. You know, we don't really move on by choice. Life simply pushes us on, like cogs in a gear, all part of this macro-mechanism otherwise known as life. I know it seems a little pessimistic, but I'm not exactly in my best mood right now.

On a brighter note, the younger class, which I look after sometimes, will still be around. They'll move from PG, the 2 year olds' class, to Nursery 1, which is for the 3 year olds.

Nursery 1. Any of you surprised to see this? I guess I was pretty ignorant, not knowing about such a thing until I looked through some of the paperwork. In my time, there was only one year of nursery. We learned our ABCs at the age of four. Now the 2 year olds know the alphabet song by heart.

And I used "in my time". Am I really that old? I feel old, that's for sure. Being around people one-third of my age puts my life in a different perspective. Here's one of the conversations in class today.

Student A: "Miss Michelle, I will miss you."

Me: "I will miss you too."

Student A: "Next Wednesday I going to XXX Primary School, why you cannot go there and teach also? Then I can see you."

(Despite two weeks of correcting their sentence structures, the children still sprout such broken sentence structures. Still, the student was so sweet, it very much caused me to melt.)

Me: "No I cannot just change schools like that. I still have to teach here next year."

Student A: "Will you still be teacher when I become teacher also?"

(So sweet and adorable!)

Me: "I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe by then I will get married and have children, and then you can teach them."

Student A: "At that time you will be how old?"

Student B (half-listening to the earlier part of the conversation): "Aiyah, when you become teacher that time, she will be old. And when you become old that time, she will go into the sky lor."

(!?!?!? Am I so old? To them, I must be, I guess.)

Student A: "Miss Michelle, then when you go into the sky that time, will you remember me anot?"

(Well, this is how some things can be so sweet and yet so morbid at the same time.)

Back to the Nursery 1 part, are Singaporeans really the epitome of kiasu or what?


I watched "Curse of the Golden Flower" with CK last night. It was an okay-ish type of movie. The best part of the moive was Gong Li, from her impressive acting, to her even more impressive cleavage.

My goodness, I don't think I've watched a more distracting movie. Everything in the movie was in over-abundance, from the gold scenery, to the number of extras, to the chrysanthemums, to the... boobs. My goodness, boobs everywhere. Almost all the women in the movie wore the low cut dresses, and the corset things. Needless to say, Gong Li's twosome were the most impressive of the lot. So many times in the movie, especially during the running scenes, I thought her boobs were going to bounce out of the corset!

Well, of course they didn't. Not that I'm dying to see her tits. I already saw them in "Miami Vice", and it was such a weird experience, seeing the tits of an actress you know. I mean, all the others that I came across in the NC-16 or M-18 movies I've watched (not that there were many) belonged to some unknown B-list actress, so in a sense it seems more okay.

My writing, on the other hand, is beginning to lose some sense, in other words, on the verge of being nonsense. Yeah, and even that was pretty nonsensical.


Man, I'm exhausted. I really have to cash in on some serious beauty sleep. Tomorrow I'll be going out with CK and some friends to watch "Deathnote 2"! Before that, I hope to be able to catch a few episodes of "The Nanny" on TV. I love the show! Ever since I started working, I haven't been able to watch it.

And a very belated Merry Christmas to everyone.

♥ The lights faded at 10:09 pm

Monday, December 18, 2006

Finally out of unemployment, and into the workforce. And I survived my first day of work! I'd blog more about it, but I'll wait till I settle in the job a bit more. Well, so far I absolutely lurve my job. The pay is pretty low, but I don't mind much. How many people actually get to enjoy work?

Well it was enjoyable, but nonetheless tiring. I think I'm going to sleep now. Ooh yeah, I'm finally going to sleep normal hours, like a normal person. Goodnight!

♥ The lights faded at 9:58 pm

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Xiaxue's got a nose job. A sponsored nose job, my gosh.

Not that I'd want anybody to sponsor any plastic surgery that I might undergo. But I guess it's just an affirmation of what a famous blogger she is. Must be surreal.

And no, I wouldn't do plastic surgery, sponsored or otherwise. I'm quite fine with other people going for cosmetic surgery, but I have issues with strange doctors cutting me up unnecessarily.

It doesn't help that I've watched one too many episodes of Extreme Makeover, some parts of which they show you the tubes stuck into people's bodies, with red or yellow liquid (or both) flowing in or out. And there's another makeover show, which I've forgotten the title of, but in one particular episode, this girl had a big-ass gaping hole in her thigh after liposuction, and blood kept flowing out of it.

I'm sorry if I made you lose your appetite. If it makes you feel any better I also lost my appetite typing that.

Why do people do this kind of things to themselves? Granted, it's the surgeon doing the cutting, not the patient, but it's the patient paying the surgeon to do the cutting. And now I have another question in mind...

What kind of person would want to be a cosmetic surgeon? Does it pay well? Beyond the pay, what else is there? Even though these surgeons are medically certified, I wouldn't think of them as real doctors. They're not really saving lives.

Whenever I go for my dental appointment, I'd wonder why a dentist would want to be a dentist. Personally I'm not too keen on peering into people's mouths, witness gum diseases and what-not and use weird metal instruments on such delicate areas. On my last visit, the dentist was busy, and I was waiting in the big chair in the room. After a while, I got bored and started playing with said instruments a la Mr Bean, except I didn't stick the stuff into my mouth. Nevertheless, I got pretty freaked out.

At least dental health is a necessity. A new nose isn't a must, although I guess there are exeptions like accidents whereby your features get all messed up.

... Well, I'm not the person to pass judgement on this. Honestly, no one can. It's one big grey area. Watching Extreme Makeover, there were all these people who were, to put it nicely, aesthetically challenged. Thus they had low self esteems. After the "after", you see them all happy and confident.

Does life really become better? If yes, then does this reaffirm the "this-world-is-so-shallow" accusation?

Oh gosh, this is so confusing. On on hand, it looks so true, yet on the other, there are a million loopholes to it. What defines shallow anyway? Is it absolute? Is it relative?

Well, I don't think that I'm a shallow person, although some people will disagree. Of course I have my shallow moments, I'll admit to that, but I'm conscious of it. Does that make it any better? I don't know.

Like the whole prom thing. I was pretty obsessed for a while, with the dress, hair, make-up, manicure, pedicure, accessories, bag, shoes... And then it just ended with one night, and a really disappointing night at that. Was it worth it? The $95 ticket was obviously not, but at least the photos captured the better moments, which featured all the superficial things.

Shallow? I have no idea.


As usual, I have blogged into the wee hours of the morning. I'm going to sleep now, and hopefully blog more tomorrow. Goodnight.

♥ The lights faded at 1:25 am

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Prom Photos!

What can I say? This is the entry where I upload the prom photos.

Still at home. Mum insisted that I take a picture next to the Christmas tree.

While the evening was pretty dull, the upside was that everyone looked gorgeous. From left: Bernice, Carine, Holly, me. I especially love Holly's dress. Very Marilyn Monroe.

With prom date Yue Han, who spent $300 on his outfit. Whoa!

With a very handsome Jeevan. I'd kill for his perfect teeth.

Kenneth looks very happy to be sandwiched between Holly and me. Haha...

With Justin Hui. I realise that a long gown makes me look short. Or maybe it's just the angle.

With some of the choir people. Gosh I miss the choir so much!

Jo, Xue Lin with her cute white tie, and me.

With Eugenia, whom I almost did not recognise. And I had an outift change! Yeah yeah I'm so the diva. Haha... Going to a pub after prom what, how to wear gown?

With my big brother of sorts. Rui Hong had such an act cute expression, it's funny.

Largest gathering of cam-whores I've encountered by far.

With a very pretty Geraldine. I like her bracelet!

With Raymond.

Okay, that was the last photo. There're some more on my Friendster profile, I think. I didn't take many photos, only about 50-plus, which is pretty pathetic compared to the hundreds that some people took. But never mind!


I'm going to be really busy these days. Here's a quick list of what I need and want to do:

1) Spend quality time with CK.

2) Find a job.

3) Read Vanity Fair and maybe The Mysteries of Udolpho.

4) Maple.

5) Do Christmas shopping.

6) Send out Christmas cards.

7) Clean up my room.

8) Sleep.

Sigh... Classic example of "so many things, so little time".

♥ The lights faded at 3:15 pm

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back from Penang

I'm back! Not as though anyone really missed me... sniff. Still, it's good to be back in my comfort zone. Back to one home, from another home.

Yes, I'm Penang-born, and also pretty much Singapore-bred. So I kinda have two homes. In the past I was pretty lost. Which one to call home? Singapore or Malaysia? But at this point in my life (goodness, I sound old), I feel that I don't have to choose. It's alright to have two homes, and in a way it is a part of who I am, the way certain things can shape a person.

Enough of sentimental stuff, and back to the basics. I've gone and come back in one piece, and my luggage doubled along the way. Yep, I did that much shopping. My luggage almost trippled actually, but I didn't manage to buy a bottle of Bailey's, my new favourite drink, because due to some law passengers flying from Malaysia to Singapore are not allowed to purchase duty-free items or something like that.

Bottom-line is, I was unable to buy my Bailey's at the glorious price of $30.60. What a price! The city price is about $80. My gosh, it's like a 150% tax rate! Now that I know how cheaply alcohol is sold in the airport, I can never bring myself to buy alcohol anywhere else again. So now there is way more incentive to fly to Paris in June, so that I can buy the bottle of Bailey's when I get back. Rawr!

Back to the Penang trip. Well, the four days just seemed to be on fast-forward mode. It was like a marathon. Eat, shop, eat, shop, eat, shop... I bought so much, mostly for myself, because no one asked me to get anything for them, so too bad. Hahaha...

The stuff was just so bloody cheap. I bought clothes, accessories, make-up, stationery, books, food, CDs, Christmas decorations... whoa!

Beyond the shopping, I got to see my relatives after who-knows-how-long. And it was a pleasant surprise to see my two older cousins, William and Steven. I haven't seen them for four years!

The awesome foursome (in a non-sexual way, please) at Queensbay Mall. From left: William, me, Amy and Steven. And there are pictures at last!

With Steven, whom one of my friends commented as "damn handsome". It's complimentary, but a little worrying when the friend in question is a dude. But I have to admit that Steven is really pretty. With his hair grown long, from some angles he looks like a pretty flat-chested girl. Hahaha... What the hell am I typing?

With my older cousin William. Thank you so much for the Sushi King treat!

Speaking of food, on the first night in Penang, I had fishball noodles for dinner. When the noodles arrived, I was temporarily stunned. They were Maggi mee noodles! But the fishballs were nice; they had minced meat in them. And the price was RM2.20. That's like S$1 only! And the student price for Seoul Garden in Malaysia is only RM15.90! You do the math.

Most of the food was good, and then there is the divine. One of the nights, we dined at this restaurant called fusion. For RM30, it's a buffet comprising of salad, sashimi, bread, teppanyaki, roasted meat, pasta, soup and dessert. While the quantity of choices is less than that of your average buffet, no one complains because of the quality of the food. Seriously, the food is so good, you wouldn't mind eating the same food again and again throughout the meal.

And I think I ate the most for the both meals we had buffet. Well I can't help having a fondness for food, especially good food.

Okay, I'll stop here for now. I have to get a job soon, and until I do, I'm going to be mapling and playing other games. Au revoir!

♥ The lights faded at 11:20 pm

Friday, December 08, 2006

Finally! A chance to blog, after days of freaking lags and lost patience.

Well, prom was DISAPPOINTING. It was nothing more than a cam-whoring marathon, and really a glamorous way of saying goodbyes. And I suppose it has a practical function, being a portal for us to take photos. Otherwise, it was dead boring.

The food was so-so. The shark's fin was fine, the fish was fine, the dessert was fine... but not much more. But I have to be grateful. I heard from Azlyn that the Halal menu was fried rice. Oh my gosh, go all the way to the hotel for something you can get at a hawker centre!

The worst thing was probably the mood. People were horribly unenthusiastic. I was looking forward to the dance, but after dancing for maybe two minutes, I got dragged off by my friends, who wanted to go to the pub. Waah!

I'd post photos, but I'm not free now. I'm flying off tomorrow (it's only Malaysia, so don't get too excited), and I haven't finished packing yet. By the way, anybody wants any souvenirs? Tell me okay! Yeah, that's it for now. Hopefully I'll get to blog when I'm at my grandparents' house. Ciao!

♥ The lights faded at 9:39 pm

Monday, December 04, 2006

Chalet was pretty fun. The barbeque was standard enough, but nobody goes to chalet for just the food.

There's the drinks too.

Haha... But it wasn't some drink-fest. Thank goodness too. Though a couple of guys got stone drunk, it was on the whole quite mild. And I can't really stand the taste of vodka. Do people actually like the stuff? It was funny, how I had my first taste of it. (I know I know, pretty late by Singaporean teen standards, when you observe how underaged teens flock to DXO and Butter Factory and MOS and whatnot, and guzzle themselves silly with Tequila shots and other things, which I can't name.)

Anyway, it's prefectly legal for me to drink, so I don't see a big problem with it, since I don't drink to get drunk. The only thing standing in the way is the TB medication. Yes I have the bloody (pun not intended) TB infection. I don't think I've mentioned it before, since it's not that big a deal. And no, it's not infectious.

Back to the drinking thing, medicine and vodka don't mix. But it's only one night, so a try wouldn't really kill. There was a bottle of Absolut Apeach, which I was warned would hit me like a rock. The stuff smells good, all fruity and everything, so I didn't take the warning seriously, and took a gulp. WHOA, it hit me like a rock alright.

Why do people like to drink so much? The stuff is so horribly bitter. I had about a mugful of vodka that night, but I chickened out halfway through and added all sorts of other things to the vodka in an attempt to sweeten it. Nevertheless, I felt a burning sensation in my stomach sometime in the night. I stayed at least 90% sober though, and that's the most important part okay!

On the second night, it was much quieter since there was no barbeque. Eight people only, so we spent the night playing cards. I learnt a lot about bridge, and now I really love the game. I had a tiny bit of Absolut Apeach again, but this time I mixed it with peach tea. I love it! There's the sweetness of the peach tea, yet with a subtle kick from the vodka. Though one alcohol-loving friend of mine was saying that it was like drinking water, and that I "wasn't man enough".

Hahaha... That's a good one. Well, I don't think there's a need for me to prove my "manhood", simply because there isn't one to prove. Haha...

Bailey's was nice though. I like! It tastes like coffee liquer, and I drank till I was wide awake, and the last person to fall asleep that night. I slept from freaking 4AM to 6AM. Gosh! Mostly because the floor is hard and cold. But it was a fun experience, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Aiyah, can't upload photos, because of some Blogger problem. Some other time then, along with the prom photos because...

Prom is tomorrow night! I'm so excited! I've got everything I need (I hope), and there's a suprise in store for those sitting at the same table as me tomorrow!

Okay, time to see to the suprise. Goodnight!

♥ The lights faded at 9:56 pm