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Saturday, January 20, 2007

If I could just think of a word to describe how I feel right now. It's a confusing mix of frustration, anger, sadness, hurt, regret and even confusion itself. I have a desperate need to pour it all out to a listening ear. Yet it seems that it is during times like these, when you feel so much more alone than you are alone.

Am I making sense? It's like, I'm upset and I need a listening ear. But because it isn't there, I need it so much more. But this really is a secondary problem, in every sense of the word.

I can't seem to stop being selfish. And because of this, I've hurt myself and I've hurt other people. Time and again, I've forgotten to remind myself not to take people for granted.

I think I'll stop here. Not like it will really change things anyway.

♥ The lights faded at 12:36 am

Sunday, January 14, 2007

It's funny, how it is when people speak of VivoCity as though it is some kind of shopping mecca. "Have you been to Vivo?" they would ask. Well it certain peaked my interest. What is it that is so great about VivoCity?

Anyway I went on my virgin trip to VivoCity with CK today. It is a nice mall. Reminded me a little of Queensbay Mall in Penang. I like the range of shops. There are the big names like Armani Exchange, Metropolitan Museum of Art Store, Swarovski etc, and the higher middle marke range like Topshop, Mango, GAP and so forth. Expensive, but it's good stuff.

I spent so much money today! I bought a top from Pull and Bear, among some other random things. Mainly it was the food that was expensive. We had dinner at Superdog. The hotdogs are pretty good, though the prices border on daylight robbery. We're talking about fast food here. Fast food should be cheap!

Other than dinner, we shared a $2.50 chocolate bar from Candy Empire. I love Candy Empire! It sells so many different types of chocolates. I wanted to get Flake Noir, but it's freaking $2.80 a bar. Other than Candy Empire, there's also Chocolate Factory and Godiva. I love Chocolate Factory. It's simply cocoa paradise.


Huge fountain. I had to resist the urge to jump in.

Inside the very cosy GAP fitting room.

It even has carpeting.

Jeans, when worn in the right fit, are pretty sexy. The size 0 jeans fit me just nicely. Can you believe it? If a healthy-sized girl like me can fit into a size 0, what size do the anorexics wear? Size -10?

That said, I'm not really a size 0. The jeans fit alright, but I wouldn't be able to eat, or bend down for fear of ripping them. Anyway I didn't buy the jeans, because they cost $125, and I wasn't carrying so much money on me. So maybe I'll go back in a couple of weeks or something, and buy size 1 or 2. I don't think size 0 would work out. Besides, it sounds so unhealthy, zero having the connotation of nothingness.

Yes, I'm blabbing again.

Hello Sentosa!

Went up to the rooftop pool, where I decided to be a kid and hop right in.

The water is icy cold!

Anyway, the verdict is that VivoCity is a really good place to shop and everything. Maybe I'll even go there again next week!

Gosh, it's past 2AM now. I'm going to sleep! Goodnight.

♥ The lights faded at 12:27 am

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I have just finished a Tartufo. What is it? Heck, I'm not very sure myself. But it's some dessert that includes chocolate mousse and chocolate powder, so I don't need to ask much more. Anyway, I've just read the nutrition list on the back of the box.

A freaking 14% fat!

Not too mention how irritatingly sweet it is. It costs a whopping $6.90 too! Argh... Wrong buy, wrong eat.

♥ The lights faded at 11:32 pm

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Whoa finally! I've been busy and everything, and while I have free time, I squeeze in a bit of mapling. So now all that I have to blog about, is MAPLE!

Here's something I noticed in Ludibrium. And there's another:

This was taken a long time ago. So there's the "LOVE" and the heart thing. Is this some kind of subliminal message that Maple is trying to send?

Ooh! By the way here's an announcement:

A104 outing on Sunday, 14TH January. Meeting at Tampines MRT Station, around 4.30PM. We're going to watch "Pan's Labyrinth", then have dinner. SMS me to tell me if you can make it!


Well, actually there are more things to blog about, but right now I simply can't be bothered. I think it may become a problem at some point in time. Same with thinking. It's not that I'm stupid or anything. I just feel that life is miserable enough as it is, so why brood over it, and make myself so much more miserable?

Yeah, that's about it. I think I'll maple a little more, while waiting for my hair to dry. And then it's time to sleep. Gosh, I've got to work early tomorrow. I should have been sleeping hours ago. Well, so much for wanting a healthy lifestyle.

♥ The lights faded at 10:58 pm

Monday, January 01, 2007

It's a new year, and so far it's pretty okay. I had a good start to the year, but some time in the afternoon things took a drastic change. What a way to spend the first day of the year.

Tomorrow's the last day of holidays, and then it's back to work. Suddenly I feel like doing something crazy. Maybe it's the whole spirit of celebrating the new year: "It's 2007! Be spontaneous!" as I hear this little voice in me shout.

And then there is this other side of me who feels too lazy to be crazy. Too lazy to climb out of that comfort zone. Too lazy for an adventure.

So that's when the resolution comes in:

I resolve to be more spontaneous, yet at the same time be more disciplined. I know it is difficult and probably appears contradictory. Well, the beauty of being human is that we are flexible. I hope to know when's the right time to be spontaneous, and when's the right time to be disciplined.

There you go. Nothing fancy. Even something as seemingly simple as this, can already be very difficult. So wish me luck.

♥ The lights faded at 9:39 pm