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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well, a happy CNY to all and GONG XI FA CAI, WAN SHI RU YI. Nothing much happened, just the usual stuff. I won some money playing mahjong, but lost more playing poker and blackjack. But it's once a year, so I'm okay with that. Some choir friends came over on Tuesday, and that was fun. Will be going to Aunty Joan's house this Saturday, and hopefully that will be fun too.

The usual stuff, nothing really exciting. Some friends went clubbing last night but I didn't join them, because I had an appointment early this morning. Pity, I'd have liked something to blog about: my maiden clubbing experience, which of course has yet to happen. Waiting for CK to accompany me.

Well, something sort of exciting, if not weird, has happened to me...


You might say, aiyah, wisdom tooth lah, make such a big fuss. Well I've had all 4 wisdom teeth already. Is there a 5TH wisdom tooth? Furthermore, 18 going on 19 seems to be a weird age to be sprouting teeth.

Scary! Well, I'll be seeing my dentist this Monday, and hopefully I'll get some logical explanation then. Stay tuned!

♥ The lights faded at 9:14 pm

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I'm so for Dove's campaign. I've been reading stories about real women with real flaws, and they look beautiful. It's truly inspiring. Whether or not you have issues with your body, it's a must-read.

I personally think that it's simply lovely for women to appreciate their natural beauty. What with girls rushing to get nose jobs, boob jobs, implants here and there, it's rare to find natural beauty. And then there're girls who diet themselves to death (literally, in some cases).

STOP! So what if you don't have Gisele's gorgeous legs? Be glad you have legs. So quit whining about all your perceived flaws, and be grateful for good health. Goodness, some of you are such head-turners, but you don't realise it. It's one thing to be humble, and a whole other thing to be constantly putting yourself down.

Liv Tyler, second most naturally beautiful woman of all time, as voted by a panel of experts on www.theage.com.au. (Audrey Hepburn topped the list.) Liv Tyler's a little chubby, her jaw's a bit masculine, but whatever, she's beautiful!

And you know what? You're beautiful too, flaws and everything. In the words of the character Carla from the movie Connie and Carla, "Celebrate your body - it's the only one you've got."

♥ The lights faded at 12:02 pm

Friday, February 16, 2007

A belated happy Valentine's day to all. I feel quite lazy today (as I do on most days), so it'll be mainly pictures.

CK snapped the pic just after I took a bite of my sushi roll, hence my not smiling. And the contacts are actually dark blue in real life, and not the scary electric blue you see in the photo. Anyway they were free, and I thought that I'd try them on Valentine's day. I was aiming for that tragic beauty look, with the black hair and blue eyes. But I know I'm anything but a tragic beauty! Haha... Well usually I'm not a coloured contacts person. But if you are, those are Acuvue Color Dailies.

Some pictures of the places we went to. I don't know the names, but the scenery is pretty.

Question: is CK underdressed, or am I overdressed?

Rawr! I don't overdress. It's just that the majority of Singaporeans underdress. I can't stand it. Why would people want to look sloppy?

Oh well, whatever. I'll elaborate some other day. Au revoir.

♥ The lights faded at 11:39 am

Friday, February 09, 2007

A series of updates...

Valentine's Day Wishlist

As per usual, I'm going to be thick-skinned and assume that you're racking your brains, thinking of the perfect Valentine present for moi. Well, no fear, the answer (or rather answers) is here! Anyway I'm just putting this up for pure fun.

In no particular order of importance,

1. GAP Jeans, style: long and lean, US size 1 / UK size 4

2. After Eight chocolates

3. Anything from Godiva, Prestige, Prestat, Royce, The Chocolate Factory... I'm not fussy.

4. Famous Amos' chocolate chip and macadamia cookies

5. A treat at Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar

Wow, that's a lot of chocolate. And now on to further nonsense...

The Cutest Pineapple Tarts Ever

My mum got these from a colleague of hers. Homemade too!

So tiny and so cute right?

Well... I think I'll stop here. I have this great urge to maple. Haven't played for so long! So au revoir, folks.

♥ The lights faded at 9:56 pm

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I'm alive! Whoa, these few weeks have been killing me. Between work, lessons, social events, blah blah blah, I've been sleeping so little. Didn't used the computer for days!

And when I'm not busy, I'm falling sick. Fever, cough, flu, vomitting, bleagh! So finally here I am, alive and well and with a day to myself. Here we go:

The Wedding
Some time ago, I went to a relative's wedding dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel. I like that hotel. I think I'll get married there too. The AHS prom was held there, and CK and I went together.

So here I am, all dressed up and ready to go.

I got bored during the car ride.

I like this shot. Pity my face got blocked by the date.

Cousins! The only person missing is William, who's in some sort of university camp.

Amy and me, with two of our aunts.

With a very spiffy looking Steven.

Heheh, fake kiss lah! Even so, Andrew was blushing for a good five minutes. Anyway, check out how smooth and glossy my hair is! And it's natural! No rebonding or any of those hair-straightening products. Just wash and blow-dry!

Plenty of good food and good drinks. Lobster salad, shark's fin soup (cruel, but tasty), fish, suckling pig, chicken with crackers, mee-swa, abalone, scallops, etc and yam paste for dessert. I loved everything except for the yam paste. I'm going to have ice-cream during my wedding reception!

Here's the suckling pig. I love eating roast pork, even though it's fatty and everything. I even carved out the cheek, because I just couldn't get enough of it.

Somebody took a rose from the decorations.


Bottoms up!

Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

Anyway, I didn't drink much wine that night. Only two glasses, both white. Other times, I was busy downing sprite and jasmine tea.

Actually, there are other events I want to blog about, but I'm too tired and lazy. So that was wait for some other day. Until then, au revoir!

♥ The lights faded at 2:32 pm