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Monday, September 17, 2007

As usual, it's been more than a month since I last left my cyber fingerprints on this blog. In fact, I think no one reads this blog anymore. And I have no one to blame but... me. Sad.

The Korea trip? I've given up on blogging about it. Maybe, maybe sometime in the holidays, when I have more free time, I'll finally complete it. But until then...

Oh God, I've blogged so few entries this year, I'm starting to forget how to do it. What am I supposed to blog about now? My life? The more I think about it, the more I feel that blogging is a very strange thing to do. I'm not a celebrity (yet), I'm just some random girl who goes to school on some days, and shopping on other days, and I'm certainly not about to post any scandalous photos about myself in the near future, or at all, for that matter. What is it in my life that could possibly interest you, oh noble reader?

(Random note: "Oh Lord have mercy on my soul, for I have walked a sinful road..." my speakers are blasting away. Heh, you might suddenly want to label me as a religious somebody who listens to religious songs all the time or something, but this is a Christina Aguilera song. Who knew? But this song really rocks. Should the Earth move in a different way, and I finally master a little more technology, I'll upload these great songs onto the blog for your listening pleasure.)

Well, some of you probably already know that yours truly is dragging her ass to NUS as an undergrad. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, because I really am quite grateful to be educated. But the place is SO FREAKING FAR. I'm not going to tell you where I stay, but it's a pretty damn long distance I have to travel. The fact that I stay in hall (hostel, for those of you who don't know the lingo) isn't that significant, because I don't stay there that often. Why not? When there's a nice home to go to, you wouldn't want to stick around in a run-down corner with cockroaches and stray cats and funny smells.

Eh... on to slightly more cheerful stuff. I'm currently in FASS, doing Sociology (which I plan to major in), CNM (Communications and New Media), Philosophy and Theatre Studies. And I'm in NUS Choir (no surprises there). So, in between juggling school, choir and sanity, there's very little time to blog. Actually there would have been more, but I'd much rather sleep, read CLEO, watch TV or re-organise my collection of thongs, corsets and boxers.

Kidding about my collection. School's making me too poor to start said collection. And I don't have a boxers fetish anyway.

Yeah, my sense of humour has somewhat been a little more twisted since I last blogged. I don't know why. Maybe it's time. Maybe it's school. Maybe it's the suspected tumour. Argh... there it goes my twisted sense of humour is going at it again!

It must be a symptom of a desperate lack of sleep. Allow me to prescribe myself the remedy now. But before I drift off to a lovely slumber, goodnight to all.

♥ The lights faded at 12:52 am