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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Exams! Again! So soon! Help!

As a little thing on the side, I thought I'd come up with a little to-do list for the vacation. Yep, typical of me.

1. Get a job
2. Learn to make tiramisu
3. Read Wuthering Heights
4. Play Maple

That's all for now. I'll probably just achieve No.1, but who knows?

♥ The lights faded at 12:06 am

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me


Just brimming with emotions at this point. Maybe it's the hormones. Well, in any case, I'm just dreaming about dreams right now. I wonder how many of my dreams can come true in this life. It's quite scary, to realise that one's life could be over before any of those dreams could come true.

But for now, I'll just dream...

♥ The lights faded at 9:42 am

Monday, April 14, 2008

Well I just watched "Last Holiday". It was good. Come to think about it, I always say that. When was the last time I said that something was terrible? Let's see what movie I didn't like... Oh oh oh, "Bratz the movie". I hated the misrepresentation of ethnicity in that movie. The actresses who portrayed the Asian and Latina characters were anything but Asian and Latina respectively. It's not racism that Asian actress should play Asian character, but when you put an angmoh in the role, it's called insensitivity. And maybe blindness.

And yes as usual I digress.

"Last Holiday"! What would you do if you found out you had only 3 weeks left to live?

A friend of mine celebrated his 20TH birthday yesterday. Well, sort of "celebrated" to the best possible extent when one is stuck in army camp. Anyway it got me quite emotional, because it means that my birthday is shortly after. Then I'm going to be 20. That's old.

Forget 3 weeks! My gosh, 60 years doesn't seem to be enough for me to do what I want to do! In my mental birthday calendar, it's like, okay, now his birthday is over, next is Frances' birthday, then mine, then it'll be another friend's birthday, then it'll be my mum's birthday, then blah blah blah, then it'll be CK's birthday, and so on, and soon it'll be my birthday again. And we're going to go on and on and on and on until we all stop having birthdays, i.e. die.

It's a scary thought, okay. And you know what? I'm not going to wait until I have 3 weeks left to live before I decide to do something about my life. I'm not the kind to deprive myself of the good things in life (I eat more than enough chocolate to know that), but there seems to be something more out there. Somewhere out there, there are things to be done, eaten (well why not?), felt, seen, heard, loved and lived.

I'd love to fly to Paris this instant, but I've got school tomorrow. So in the meantime, I could do something about the other things in my life. For starters, I'm going to conduct an online search to see what jobs there are out there. Frankly, I'm getting tired of saying "I don't know" everytime someone asks me what I'd like to be in the future. Time to act upon it.

♥ The lights faded at 11:00 pm

I had a little disagreement with CK a while ago. He's apparently urging the scientist-type people to experiment whether or not things happen if/when a cat jumps over a coffin. Not an empty coffin of course, but one with a dead person lying inside. (If not what's the point?) And yeah, he's not going to do it, because he's afraid that the dead person might rise, and that really wouldn't be a good thing.

Okay, previously I typed "if/when" because it probably wouldn't happen. Funerals can get quite crowded, and which stray cat is going to wander near? And people usually don't bring their pets to funerals. And the coffin is usually quite high (from the cat's point of view). I know cats can jump quite high, but they usually wouldn't bother unless there's food or something. Point is, it's not going to happen.

Also, no one is going to conduct such an experiment. Because we all know that nothing is going to happen, so why bother? It's like me stabbing myself in the heart with a really sharp knife during an experiment to see if I'll really die from it.

So as I was saying, not going to happen.

While we're still on this morbid topic, let me ask this question: what would you do if you just found out that you only have 3 weeks left to live? Well, now I'm off to see what Queen Latifah would do in "Last Holiday", while I go have my dinner. Later!

P.S. I'm not being disrespectful to the dead or anything. In fact, I respect them enough to know that nothing in the world, least of all cats, can disturb them from their peaceful eternal slumber.

♥ The lights faded at 8:41 pm