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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Gift for Baby

Ah, bonsoir. Comment allez-vous? Bien, j'espère. Okay, on with the day's topic. CK's new nephew is now in the world! I just love babies... In this sad screwed-up world of war, politics and natural disasters, a baby represents life, love, hope, innocence and the potential to make the world a better place.

Yes I am an optimist. It does seem quite rare these days.

I got a present for the little one. I feel bad that I didn't get a present for the first baby when he was born. Maybe I'll get something for him too when I visit. Maybe a Barney VCD. I can't really put my finger on Barney. On one hand he seems like this retarded purple dinosaur prancing around a fake set, but the show does promote some good values, like sharing, caring and the importance of friendship. I know I sound corny, but it's a programme for kids. Simple and corny is the way to go.

Yes yes, not very creative, I know. I'll buy something more fun on his first birthday.

I may not look it, but I'm happy with my purchase. (This really is another excuse for another one of my many random and meaningless fierce-glare photographs.)

Me being a little silly. Okay, me being very silly. Out of somewhere my maternal instincts called out to me. I'll have to put those on hold for a while more, like maybe five, six years. Yeah, and my room has plenty of pink in it. You can tell that the drawers behind me are white and pink, the curtains are pink, and the material covering the ledge is also pink. And that's just what you can see in the picture. One day, when I finally get my whole room nice and tidy, I'll take a picture of it. It's very pink when it's not covered with my... er... "creative genius" mess.

Oh well, it will have to wait for another day, another time. Now it's bedtime. Bonnuit, people, and sweet dreams.

♥ The lights faded at 1:56 am

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Some updates on life

Just finished Wuthering Heights. It's quite nice a novel, and really different from the movie. I'd still prefer the movie, but every now and then I like to read. I learnt on the radio this afternoon that reading burns more calories than watching television. So it's just as well that I have just begun to read Vanity Fair. Still have yet to bake cookies, but I've got the ingredients already, I just need the... motivation. Check with me again next year.

Oh, I got a job too. Starting in June.

I tell you, something weird and stupid happened to me today. My mum and I were on our way to the kopitiam for dinner at around 8pm. So while walking on the sidewalk, I accidentally stepped on what I thought was a thin piece of wire, and felt something pierce me, somewhere a little above my right ankle.

Me: Aaaaahhhh!
Mum: What? Got lizard ar? Just walk away lah!
Me: No no no. There's something piercing my leg.
Mum: Huh? (Walks closer) Eee... got fishing hook. (Procedes to pull it out)

A fishing hook! What the hell was a fishing hook doing on the sidewalk? Booby trapping someone? Argh... Who knows what germs were lurking on that hook. Miraculously, there was no bleeding, but all throughout dinner I was staring at a little hole in my leg. When I got home, I got some antiseptic liquid, and proceded with a germ-killing spree (to my best efforts, since I can't see germs).

Never in my life would I ever expect to be caught on a fishing hook. Maybe I should reconsider my pufferfish nickname. There's more to a name than we think.

♥ The lights faded at 12:38 am

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I've yet to find a job or make tiramisu, but on the bright side, I'm about halfway through Wuthering Heights. Natasha's right - the characters are indeed irritating. The movie is probably better. Only $12.90 at HMV, starring the divine Juliette Binoche and Ralph Fiennes, looking his handsomest in this movie. Whoever knew that the man who plays Voldermort was once such a hunk?

Nevertheless, it's quite a classic Gothic novel, and I do miss reading these old-fashioned stories. Yeah, you probably think I'm weird. I just don't belong to the norm sometimes, okay? I'm just such an old soul. I love old movies and old songs. They have such a charm about them...

And so yeah, I'm not weird. I'm an acquired taste.

Well, pardon my left-of-centre rantings. It's past 2AM, I'm not quite sleepy, since I had a little coffee just now, but I'm not quite awake either.

Okay, so way back to me not getting a job yet. Hmm... What should I do? I haven't had any email replies yet, and I've made a couple of calls. I guess I'll look through tomorrow's Classifieds again.

Oh, and the dance classes were fun. Tiring like nothing else, and probably the only sport involving high heels (my poor feet), but fun.

Alright, I better sleep now, or else I'll won't be able to wake up in time to buy the Straits Times before it's sold out. Bonnuit, people.

♥ The lights faded at 2:04 am

Friday, May 09, 2008

And... The examinations are finally over!

Went shopping with Natasha today. But being two aunties/housewives-to-be, you don't suppose we'd be shopping at Orchard is it? So where would we shop? We shopped at IKEA, Courts and Giant. Major auntie hangout! Haha...

We lingered for quite a while around the section of Giant selling toys. A lot of nice cheap made-in-China toys!

There's the usual doctor toys. When my kids reach the toy-playing age, I'll get a set, along with other occupation-based toys, like mechanic, photographer, scientist, sociologist (kidding), teacher, plus some dress-up/make-up toys. So looking forward to it. Oh and there's one more occupation-based toy that I didn't expect...

Just in case all else fails, your child will have some cleaning skills to make ends meet. (That's Natasha posing with the toy, not that you could tell since the only thing I managed to get from the camera-shy woman are her eyebrows, forehead and one hand.) Cute PINK-coloured toy (are they trying to send a subliminal message or what?), includes broom, dustpan, mop, pail and cleaner's trolley. Sad-looking kid sold separately.

Do you see anything wrong in this picture? You don't? Look more closely. Still cannot? Let me zoom in for you.

Oh goodness! What on earth?

Yeah, so anyway it was an eventful day. I bought quite a lot of food, and Natasha got her hair-dryer from Courts. Then we dined at IKEA, meatballs and chocolate mousse, and some salad thing. (Wah I'm like doing free advertorial here lah.)

I'm going for my first dance class of the holidays this Monday! Quickstep! Quite looking forward to it. I'll tell you all more after the class. Until then, I'll be watching a lot of TV and playing games. Au revoir!

♥ The lights faded at 11:06 pm