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Sunday, August 31, 2008

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
We might find our place in this world someday
But at least for now, I've got to go my own way

-from HSM2

Well I suppose that's how I feel right now.

♥ The lights faded at 1:03 am

Saturday, August 23, 2008

For some strange reason, I decided to read my old blog entries. And it hasn't really hit me, until now, that I have become this almost completely different person. I have no idea whether or not this change is good, and it's quite confusing to say the least. The blog entries of the past were written by someone who was immature, dependent, and she seemed really stupid at times. But she was also idealistic, optimistic, and she had certain dreams.

I am not that person anymore. And the thing that really scares me?

The fact that I feel just fine about it.

♥ The lights faded at 1:26 pm

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yes, it's been a long long time. Sometimes I access blogger.com, and then I think, "There doesn't seem to be anything going on in my mundane little life that I can blog about," and then I log out and start playing games again.

Anyway, the future of this blog is uncertain. I may blog once in two months or something because my schedule's going to be real hectic soon, or I may blog twice a day to complain about how stressed I am. Yes, you read right. Two days into the new semester, and I am so feeling the stress. Which is really unusual considering that throughout my academic life, I'd either get stressed about one week before the examinations, or never feel the stress at all.
I must be growing up.
Anyway, most of the stress comes from me taking 6 modules this semester, 2 of which are level 3000 modules. And not forgetting, Sociology is really really really heavy in terms of the readings involved. But let's put the complaints aside for a while, because...
The birthday photos are finally here!!!

From left: Amy, Mum and me. Birthday dinner at Jack's Place. I had the lamb chops and grilled fish combo, which was quite delicious.

My lovely blackforest cake from Polar. One of my favourites. After years of the "1 big candle and X small candles", it's now 2 big candles. Convenient, but depressing in some ways.

And so we have the cake-cutting ceremony.

The following day was a little more fun: "Girls' Day Out" in honour of my birthday. We went out to New York New York at Downtown East's E!Hub. On that note, I have to say that the service at NYNY was soooo slow, and shabby at times. You'll see why later.
Jacq and Hoi perusing the menu. Sort of.

Pris and Caiyu gamely smiling for the camera.

The, ahem, "oldies", Zhenli and Frances. We're all 20 now! And 4 out of 7 of us got braces on. I'm so glad mine are off now!
Oh, and I was there too.
Cotton candy! I love cotton candy, especially big, fat tufts of all-you-can-eat cotton candy. Pris (hidden behind) loves it too, especially when it's bigger than her head. My lovely birthday cake No.2, courtesy of the equally lovely Miss Frances Huang, whose elbow is featured in this photograph as well.

Tiramisu cheesecake from Amara hotel. I didn't see the cake until the waiter brought it out, and Frances said that the cake didn't originally look like this, which means that someone in the kitchen must have dropped it and then hapzardly put the fruits back. So terrible right?

Oh well, I still like the cake. And check out Pris' expression while I'm cutting it. Is it a look of greed or envy? Or maybe she was thinking, "Hurry up lah, I want to eat the cake NOW!". We all loved the cake except for Zhenli, who is one of the pickiest eaters ever.
Group photo moment! I'm so glad I set a dress code of "fun, flirty and chic" for that day, if not the rest sure wouldn't dress up for the occasion. The average Singaporean underdresses, and I can't stand it.

After lunch, we all went to my place for some drinks and card games. And there's a spastic moment for me, posing with the balloons I blew up that morning, much to the amusement of Frances, who was like, "Who blows up balloons for their own birthday?!" Well, me.

So yeah, that's all for my birthday celebrations. But we're not at the end yet. Let's see what I received this year...

A book from Natasha, who unfortunately couldn't make it to the Girls' Day Out. I'm about halfway through the book now.

Another present from darling Natasha.

Present from my juniors. Let's see what's inside, shall we?
Ooooh! Pretty packaging and even prettier jewellery!
More jewellery. As you can tell, I'm totally an accessories person. These earrings were given by Zhenli.Sparkly pink bimbo wallet from Frances, who claimed that she thought of me when she saw it. Yeah, it's really quite me. Earlier this Tuesday, when I was in the queue to buy my textbook at the CO-OP, I saw that the girl two places in front of me had the exact same wallet, which was a bit of a kill-joy, because before that no one else around me had a wallet like this. They may have their branded wallets with LV or Guess or whatever stamped all over, those wallets don't really showcase their owners' personalities like mine does.

As you can tell, I love my new wallet. And all the other gifts. Thanks so much you guys!

And that marks the end of this post. Bonnuit.

♥ The lights faded at 10:54 pm