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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What a movie! It was great from start to end. I love love love ABBA songs. I thought the cast was great, especially Amanda Seyfried, who's got the sweetest voice ever. And I didn't know Meryl Streep could sing like that. For me, the most dramatic moment was when she sang "The Winner Takes It All". (Yeah, I cried a little lah.) But I couldn't help cringing a bit when Pierce Brosnan was singing. He wasn't too bad, but in my heart and mind he'll always be James Bond, and so it's weird to watch him sing and dance. Haha.

Tuesday! TV-marathon day today, starting with an old episode of Friends, followed by Ugly Betty (Season 2), then the new show Lipstick Jungle, and the wonderfully delicious Desperate Housewives (Season 4). And all this begins in minutes.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Going out again. Haha...

Work? What work?

So going to crash and burn soon.

♥ The lights faded at 8:13 pm

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's a nice movie. Wall-E's just so endearing. And the cockroach is so damn cute. That said, I'll still kill the ones I see. Haha.

Monday. Just the start of my activity-filled week. When life gets a little less boring. And then it'll be school again.


I better enjoy the moment while it lasts.

♥ The lights faded at 10:13 pm

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Wednesday afternoon was pure torture. Wednesday evening, however, was probably the best experience I've ever had in the history of Wednesday evenings. Which wasn't too bad.

You don't really need to know about the 8 hours of lessons I had prior to that. So I'll just skip straight to the good part, which began when I met Natasha and Eddie at the bus stop opposite the Central Library at 6PM. We were going to take 95 to Holland Village to have our dinner, which we did, after waiting who knows how long for the bus. And we actually missed the first two 95s because we were standing at opposite sides of the bus stop, thinking that the other party hadn't showed up yet. Haha...

Naturally, 95 at this time of the day was packed. I was standing in between Eddie and Natasha, which wasn't really awkward until the bus started moving. And shaking. And I have the worst balance ever. I'd fall in Eddie's direction every one and half minutes or so, which was really embarassing. I kept elbowing the poor guy in the stomach lah. But he was really nice about it, saying, "It's okay, got a lot of cushion." Haha... I kept apologising to Natasha for injuring her Eddie. (I accidentally injured Eddie again later. Read on.)

And when we finally made it to Holland Village, it was drizzling. And we circled the place looking for the restaurant. Some something-"Mash" place. We actually walked right past in earlier on, failing to notice it for good reason. The place had been closed for renovation.

(At this point you must be thinking, "This is boring. How come she's saying that she had the best Wednesday evening ever?" Well, the fun stuff is coming along, please be patient.)

So we dined at the first place we passed by, this lovely lovely restaurant by the name of Foster's. It serves English fare, and has the cosiest ambience ever. You can just step inside and feel warm and fuzzy all over. And there's live music too! A gorgeous woman playing her guitar and singing soothing love songs. What's not to love?

Well, the prices. At least for me, since I'm poor. The mains are $18 and above, and a steak is like $36. But it was a special occasion to be out with friends, so it's one of those times when price isn't a priority.

Complimentary bread. It was wonderfully delicious (or maybe I was too hungry at that point).

Escargots! I've never tried them before. But since I needed to try something new for my Sociology of Food tutorial, and also because Natasha loves escargots, we ordered them. At first, I felt kind of hesitant to poke out the snail, but it's already dead, so what the hell. And after I tasted the first one, I was like, "Why have I not tried this before?" Really, once I got past the fact that they're snails, the taste and texture was pretty damn nice.

The main courses weren't too bad either. I didn't take any pictures, because we all just kind of dived straight into it when the dishes arrived. And we didn't have any dessert, because after dinner, we went to Wala Wala. Upon arrival, while closing my umbrella, it hit Eddie in the place where guys don't generally want to be hit. Ouch. (So sorry Eddie!) And moving on...

My first cocktail-drinking experience! (Not counting the time I took a sip of someone else's martini once, or the time I took a sip of someone's Sex on the Beach, which was yummy by the way.) Previously it was always Bailey's, or some mixer. No, this time I finally got to take some fancy cocktail. And no, I'm not some happening person who goes drinking all the time. Just on special occasions. Haha. So anyway, I had a White Russian first. At first, I couldn't taste the alcohol, and it felt as though I was drinking chocolate milk or something. And then by the 5TH or 6TH sip, bang, it hit me. Nice. Haha...

Natasha had a Daiquiri, which tasted so good, I ordered that as my second drink. It's wonderfully refreshing and citrus-y, especially after tasting all that cream in the White Russian. Eddie had two bottles of cider, which I tried a little of too. At first it tasted a little bit like Tiger Beer, but there's the sweet aftertaste, which made it way nicer than beer of course. The more interesting experience was to take a swig from the bottle. I was a little hesitant at first (since I'm the kind who'd pour a Bacardi Breezer into a glass and then drink through a straw), but Natasha was like, "Don't be such a lady about it", so yeah.

Oh, the live band was also quite nice. The lead singer had such a great voice (and great dimples), Natasha and I were positively seriously swayed by the music. And the guitarist looked cuter with every minute (and every sip of the cocktail). Haha...

Yeah, so that's just about what happened on Wednesday evening. It was great. Thursday was on the whole rather uneventful. I was sleepy the whole day, and was battling a headache in the eveing. Friday was fine. My day in school was painfully long, but it got better towards the end. Salsa was kind of fun, but there were too few guys. Supper was good though.

So much for talking (and thinking) about food. Long long entry today, and now I'll be off to find me some dinner. Goodnight!

♥ The lights faded at 10:02 pm